Because life is about balancing rights and responsibilities, risks and rewards. There is a world of difference between someone driving out of their head on whatever and driving after a small sherry trifle. Life just isn't black and white.
sherry trifle....its my all time no1 absolute favourite. Right after apple crumble and custard. If this threatens these staples then I am against it. You can't mess with a fellows trifle you know.
tbh life is black and white imo and it does soley rely on one single base rule before all others,its a risk asessment.. taking what i have learned in my ex job,it is simply all a risk assesment and nothing more nothing less,any other added ideas are simply greying out the original and add nothing to help find the required base answer. it can be fine tuned with the other ideas up to the point the original idea/result is compromised in any way. in work,everybody is subject to a zero alcohol policy, and thank god for that,last thing i need is a very slightly tipsy person issuing a permit to work and job instructions that could lead to death or injury to a collegue or myself ,and the company saying its all right hes only had a pint so cant possibly affected enough to slip up. i see absolutly no difference out the public highway,the risk assesment in my mind says one pint of beer equals a highly increased chance of death or serious injury to persons unknown compared to a zero amount of alcohol washing around a human brain whilst operating machinery. keep it simple and lives will be saved. make it complex and lives will be lost. not really anymore to say really is there,anyone wishing to operate any machinery in any shared enviroment then its 100% zero alcohol and if thats ignored then its zero permission to operate machinery,for ban. sorry but imo anyone disagreeing is a candidate for the darwin award,i just pray for the periphials that get injured/killed/lose their daughters/sons etc due to the inevitable "accident"/someone elses fault scenario. then again my opinions are probably another reason im laid off.bosses are always the ones most likely to be slightly inebriated,ive sussed quite a few in my time and witnessed the downside of their faulty decisions. .youll also notice the workersBagare the only ones taking life seriously . :Hilarious:
How about thinking a bit differently. No limit, none at all, but any law breaking, accident, speeding whatever and the punsishemnt is massively punative. Eg kill someone while having any alcohol (above a medicine type level) and its life imprisonment, min 15yrs
good plan,however we dont have enough prison space for that. mind weve just got scotland back..hmmmm...big wall,windows,machine gun nests....:Hilarious::Hilarious:
not about banning the operation of machinery though is it,its about educating the use of it and far as bikes go that means better training i think. cars the same.
come to think of it,as per the age thread,we could just not let anyone ride a bike until they are 40+yrs old.. hehehe
i think it's a good idea, i am all in favor of minimum pricing also. i just don't get it, why the need for a drink when you have a drive ahead of you. for me it is that black and white.
Funny thing tho, I'll have two regualr pints (fosters strength) in an hour or so and drive, but wont have a half ans ride a bike even up the road
we often dont realise just how much effort we put in evry day just to maintain balance and i think its much more noticeable when on a bike,especially at 2mph fitering.junctions etc,i think with alcohol your body hits the worry button louder than in a car where you can simply slump n not have to worry about balance. i know what i mean anyway..
yip 2 or 3 open bottles staring me in the face as i type. that's it decisions made, some of that cheep stuffs going in my coffee now.
Many years ago I was breathalyzed after 6 pints of 1664 (over about an hour or so) and I wasn't even driving, just getting my house keys from the car. I lived next door to the pub and used their car park. It showed that I hadn't been drinking! The machine was the first ones to show the percentage at the roadside (pub car park). Bloody good job it failed or I'd been in a right pickle.
Mainly basking sharks, which gave give a nasty suck. Only really bad news if you are the size of a plankton, as opposed to the brain of one. Not you Paul; People who risk others safety/lives by drinking (too much) or drugs or not paying attention when driving.