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Drink Driving Limit Halfed In Scotland.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. I wouldn't worry about it. Big brother will come to the rescue to settle the issue. Soon you won't be able to start an engine until you've passed the vehicle's inbuilt alcohol detection system. I expect the European Commission are working on it now, probably in tandem with restricting all bikes to 100 bhp. Soon we'll all be safe.
  2. I think its tricky.

    Zero tolerance is impossible due to effects of some Medicine. Also, the morning after the night before.

    I don't have an objection to lowering it, but I think they should grade the penalties accordingly. Unfair to get a years ban for being over the new limit and under the old. Drink drive law in Scotland is totally inflexible and it could be improved by becoming more flexible. I have a pal (mechanic) who got banned for trying to help his friend get his car started, just because he was in the front seat with the keys. The car wouldn't even start.

    Lowering it will make people who have two beers drop down to one....hopefully. And also make more people leave the car at home the next day. I think both are a good thing, even though most deaths area caused by people miles over the limit, its a positive move against the pretty bad attitude towards alcohol in Scotland.

    Eg, we must have 50 words to describe being drunk......and thinking about it we don't have one negative word o describe English people....you see how much we love you really :)

    Salmond was excellent as always. Always has the relevant stats to hand.
  3. halfed? do the Scottish have their own way of spelling English like the Americans?
  4. As we all know riding a bike is among the most dangerous pastimes out there and anything that increases our chances of survival is a good thing I don't drink and drive by choice but anything that makes any other rider driver think twice is ok in my book.
  5. always struggled with spelling,i mean is it knob or just nob? :Angelic::smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Aye, did ye nae ken that?
  7. No
  8. A wee tutorial furr ye.

  9. Sorry had to look that up as I thought it was a structure that you saw when sailing into New York.
  10. Aye.
  11. Is it not acceptable to ask why something that is legal will now be illegal in today's society ?
  12. I have no idea what you are doing riding a bike. "No reasonable risk if life is involved"? What are you talking about man?

    Riding a bike is risky - to your life. You only have to look at the accident statistics, or just read all the posts on here about people with injuries. Yet you can't accept the risk from one glass of wine.
    Johnv is right: it's a continuum. Risk is a continuum. You can sit on your sofa and die. In fact, if you spend all your life on your sofa, you can bet it's very risky and you're more likely to die young.

    I would like to see the decrease in deaths and injuries that has resulted from the reduction of the driving alcohol limit from 0.08 to O.05. As has been said, you can have any law you want, but if you don't enforce it, it makes very little difference.

    And drink increases risk. Fine. Guess what, any speed increases risk (supposedly), or at least the risk of injury in the event of a collision. So what do you suggest? We all drive or ride at walking pace behind a bloke holding a red flag?

    Reducing road deaths and injuries is entirely laudable. People will say that if avoiding one death from reducing the drink drive limit it is worth it. I say then get serious: ban all alcohol, ban smoking, ban motorcycles, limit cars to 1 litre or 500 cc engines. Scrap skiing and mountaineering. Don't ever garden without goggles and a crash helmet. Live your entire life in cotton wool - because that is the fashionable view to take. Don't let your kids play on the slide. Don't let them out on a bicycle (or at least not without full body armour, leathers and a full-face crash helmet).

    These sanctimonious views are the ones that will see the demise of our risky pastime. A bit bloody sad to see them so well supported on a bike forum.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. load of bollocks,..my entire opinion is to do with alcohol and operating machinery,not your "bashing bikes" or indeed falling off such when sober paranoia.

    i dont intend to take the risk of YOU having a "little glass of wine" and then going oops sorry after you plough into me,or my family or someone elses family.
    if you regard that as stupid then you are already a liability to all and sundry.and selfish,but then alcoholics and druggies are just that.
    if someone else ploughs into you or your family and its because of a little glass of wine then i sincerely doubt youll just shrug and forgive them..

    as to how its knocking motorcycles is beyond me,its All drivers of ALL vehicals.
    i can only take it youve been done for d+d and this has hit a nerve.
    me personally,ive been taken out by a d+d.it fkn hurts.

    if you are going to enlarge upon someones comments and opinions with a collection of information youve decided to add yourself in order to swing opinion your way then here is not the place,go be a politician elsewhere.i personally do not care about your take on something that involves others safety and lives,im certainly not pompous enough to suggest you agree to mine either.

    itd be a trillion to one that you hurt myself or my family through your need to imbibe and drive,if however this happens youll be removed permenantly from this planet immediately.

    sanctimonious?..very possibly,comes with age (growing up)...
    just saying... ;) :Hilarious:
    #113 gregotch, Oct 31, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2014
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
  14. Individual experience is an unsatisfactory base upon which to build laws.

    Modern health and safety philosophy is built upon the flawed premise that if all accidents could have been avoided, and I firmly believe that that is indeed the case, then all accidents can be avoided, which is most certainly not the case.

    There is no point at which the logic of health and safety stops, ultimately it comes down to what we are comfortable with, but without accepting some degree of risk there can be no reward.

    Tomorrow, heaven forbid, there is a risk that a pedestrian could walk in front of a vehicle you are driving and be killed outright. Are you prepared to take that risk ? Maybe you should say at home ? Your tyres might be part worn, which would increase your stopping distance; maybe you should go straight to you local tyre fitters and get a new set, it could make the difference between that pedestrian living or dying. You never know. You can't know. But how would you live with yourself if it happened ? But then again it might be on the way to the tyre fitters that the pedestrian steps out. The list is endless ..................................
    • Like Like x 2
  15. doesnt matter in this conversation as when tested for alcohol i would be negative...i do not drink and drive,,,i do not drink except for my birthday and xmas day.

    the other stuff is all xfiles,it could happen,it probably wont.
    adding possible happenings to this question of driving having consumed alcohol is only creating a smokescreen,nothing personal to any of my comments is intended to any of you,however clouding an issue with irrelevant supposition just makes for a mockery of the original post and muddles any possible healthy debate containing more than one opinion.

    this is the internet,my words have no emotion connected to them and we have no understanding of each other personally and therefore can only act according to the information given and then post an opinion.

    mine is, zero alcohol whilst operating machinery of any kind removes one chance of misadventure.
    if theres no alcohol,people will just have to have accidents for another reason,and they will no doubt,anything from riding/driving as though they are immortal to putting on make and using a mobile at the same time.
    i see both daily,i have no idea if they end up crashing/killing others but i suspect they do.
    it has nothing to do with bikes,it has everything to do with the competency and respect for others, of drivers/operators..

    i am unable to specify what is and what isnt acceptable as "zero" as im not medically trained etc,ill leave that to the professionals.

    worse still,im just a digger driver,i know im fick as shit(comes with birth you know) and on top o that an ooold grumpy twat who now veiws the world through different eyes to most.

    as for "pedestrian steps out etc",,,,,, happened.....:Sorry::Sorry::Sorry: something you never forget:Depressed:

  16. I never use a mobile phone or apply make-up while riding a bike and I urge others not to.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Glad to see you're no longer in denial.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. :Hilarious::upyeah:
  19. So ploughing imto someones family, without having a small glass of wine, is forgivable then?
  20. A small Red wine is good for stress and ploughing into a family is bound to be stressful. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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