Drink Driving / World Power

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TTonup, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. This is a Ducati Forum and largely for the ownership of the bikes and a bit of fun along the way :rolleyes:
  2. i am of the opinion that all news sucks, to be honest i am more likely to believe putin than i am cammeron, or the angle of merkil it's all bull.
    probably think something completely different tomorrow tho.
  3. But Cemmerrun's a Scort, Dr Finmy.......
  4. so was sawney bean. i know who i would be more likely to trust.
  5. One way of getting rid of bad neighbours, I guess.......
  6. Never done it - the whole drinking thing.....never did the pub, nightclub etc etc thing, never did smoking (never tried it!) went straight from bmx's, skateboards, rollerskates, ice skates straight to bikes at 21 - my reasoning was at an early age "you cant fall off a car but you can a bike" - I never got the taste for it, even now, ill quite happily be the designated driver at xmas and whenever we go out ill have a coke, milkshake whatever...you'd think I was too nice but I think at one point in my twenties I had a few running standard orders with the magistrates courts for fines plus my girlfriend, now wife paying some as well so even If I did like it I could never afford it....
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