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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Serotonin is by far the best drug, but supplies are hard to arrange. For a really decent hit, you need to fall in love with someone who loves you back. Levels drop and it wears off over time, but when under the influence, you think there really is a purpose to life and everything is marvellous.

    Next best is endorphins, supplies of which can be easily arranged by just doing some physical exercise. Addictive.

    Alcohol is a bit hit and miss. Depends on what you're drinking. Gin might make you giggle, whisky may make you sulk or go to sleep. The best thing about it is that it is delivered in a variety of fun packages that make taking it enjoyable, whereas taking most other drugs is either a non-event or unpleasant.
  2. You didn't mention adrenaline, Glidd.
  3. That'll explain our wanking habits
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  4. You're quite right, Pete. In fact my original post was on the iPhone, and it did mention adrenaline, but then I touched some wrong button and erased it before I could post. There is no "undo" button on an iPhone, and I couldn't be bothered to type it all again as it's such a faff. When I got to my computer to offer my wise words, I'd forgotten about adrenaline.

    For those interested, it comes after endorphins and before alcohol. A top drug, but I don't need to tell a bike forum that.
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  5. That's a heavy drug. I was on a 6 month course of that about 10 years ago for my sins. I didn't realise it was that expensive though. I know a few people that had the same treatment that were housebound during it. I was lucky that it didn't affect me too much, was still able to do light work and lead a normal life and it cured my liver problem, 2 of my friends weren't so lucky.
    RIP Terry B and Terry H.
  6. You want to watch out, El T.

    Being a Terry shortens your lifespan, it appears.
  7. This is a cheery thread :rolleyes:
  8. try living in Ireland....we get ravaged over here. When we go to the UK or up north, we buy a supply.
  9. My old man's stem cell treatment cost 45k. Which I think he deserves as he's worked all his life right up to 2 months before retirement...don't know if its worked yet though although I spoke to him today (I cant see him as ive got a cold) but apparently the quack/doc/prof/consultant said its all going the right way...have to wait and see...so with any luck he'll be back up to full strength moaning in the next 6 weeks or so.
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  10. I have a friend who lives in Kildare, she told me she has to pay €25 or something just to see her doctor............. :eek:

  11. 55.00 to 60.00 euro is the price.
  12. I looked into the possibility of returning my unused and unopened pills to the pharmacy where I got them from.Can't do this due to health and safety regulations.Apparently 100's of millions of pounds worth of drugs are thrown away every year in this country.
    I am not complaining about the system-I am just glad that my GP is trying to sort out some drugs which might help me.It does show though what can contribute to the cost of drugs on the NHS.
  13. Can you imagine trying to set up a system for collecting part-used prescription drugs and re-using them? Drugs which might be in the wrong boxes, date expired, or missing the instructions for use leaflets? Drugs which might have been handled by patients with infectious diseases? Just think how expensive and complicated it would be to check individually each returned drug for all these problems, before issuing them again. It would probably cost ... well ... 100's of millions.
  14. Yes I know how the system works and all the safety issues.It does seem a waste though for unused and unopened boxes with very long expiry dates.No worse though than all the other things we waste on a regular basis.
  15. The simple solution would be if the boxes of drugs were smaller and they contained the amount of pills you are supposed to take, and then you took them all.

    Pharmacies here used to measure out the pills individually at one time and only give you your prescription. I don't use many drugs, so not really too sure about the current system, if its changed.

    I was given an anticoagulant after my kneed op which was hideously expensive. The box contained twice as many pills as I was meant to take. I complained a bit about this (the box cost about £200, and I only needed £100 worth) and was told that the extra would come in handy on flights to prevent any risk of DVT. I was also told that without this new wonder drug, some very complicated procedure would have had to have been enacted which would have cost a lot more.

    Never argue with an eminent consultant, so I shut up and stumped up.
  16. Yeah, it would not work as a large scale operation, only a small volunteer operation is viable. When my Dad worked in the clinical stores of our local Hospital, a local church volunteer came in every month to collect all the out of date dressings, scalpels, sterile fluids, etc........ These were taken out to the usual places by the church missionaries and delivered to the medical aid units.
  17. Best drug in the world? A ride in the mountains on a warm sunny day.
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  18. Or a Sunday morning cheeky quickie
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  19. After my op, they put my leg in a sort of splint thing, which I had on for a few hours. Next day, when I left, I tried to give it back to them, but they said I'd bought it... (private clinic, eh?). Well, it had a small blood stain, but nothing that wouldn't wash out. I've had it washed and tried to give it to charity, for Africa or wherever. No one is interested. Same with a pair of crutches, which I had also bought, apparently, and one of which I used for about a day.

    You can lose patience with charities, you know.
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