The speedo is definitely a mix of something ! The mileage and trip meter are most definitely in Km , and possibly an even smaller unit. I did a couple of very short rides probably around 10 miles at a guess but trip is now showing around 27 somethings . The speedo however does seem to tally with mph though. I know the route I rode well and when I was doing a certain speed between certain points, it most definitely was around what I would expect in mph rather than Km. I have read this before with others experiencing similar, Km trip but mph speed. Don’t know what the problem or solution is, it doesn’t overly worry as speed is more important than distance, but on then other hand there’s a possibility it’s only done 14000 Km rather than 14000 miles ?? Bike is an import btw, although I don’t know where from.
Is it a dual read speedo ? Like this one That’s on a ST2 I have and the trip meter and total meters are in Km although one would think, as the mph figures are given prominence and the Kmh figures are very much secondary, that the meters would be mph . Someone may have had it apart (at time of import) and just overlaid a mph face. Does the face exactly match the material texture of the Rev counter? When you come to remove (for deep cleaning) there will most likely be a date stamp or sticker underneath which will help you tell whether the unit is original. Also, if someone’s had it apart in the past you’ll notice the marks around the rim. With any luck it’sa Kmh speedo with an mph face and your bike has only done 5/8ths of what you thought
That’s the speedo unit, looks to be a proper Mph one but guess when I give it all a strip down an going over I will find what’s going on . At the moment I’m just trying to find all the niggles so I can work though them over winter. Throttles and tps want setting up too and I guess the air bleeds as I get the odd sneeze through the airbox at low rpm.
The more I think about it, this makes the most sense. Speedo is definitely in Mph and distance in Km. Only real way that could happen is as above where a mph face was put on over a Km unit at point of import. Can’t see any other logical way a clock can read separate units like this .
Hussar!!! Nice one, good find. I too can claim to have bought a bike when pissed, unseen off EBAY. Spent the next few days sweating it till the guy delivered a mint Honda 600 CBF with luggage for £3.5k. Kept it for seven years and it never missed a beat. The things we do for our other halves....
Just checked the bike and nothing attached to the cable anywhere. If it did have a healer it would affect both the mileage and the speed. So I’m going with the idea it’s had an Mph face fitted to a Kph unit, hence distance still being registered in Km and the face reading Mph.
It’s a Bonny bike. When you remove the speedo, the top bezel is crimped on so it will be fairly easy to see if it’s been apart. Most people cut the white plastic below the bezel to change the cracked glass and glue back together. Unseen when fitted. Although separate to the speedo the idiot lights are pre 1999. The later lights have the font on the top of illuminated area.
I looked into the idiot lights thing and found they are correct for the 916/996 S and SPS models with a P8 ECU it seems. Every other set of clocks on EBay all have the writing on the illumination part as you pointed out, apart from the only set for sale from an SPS which are the same as mine on my S. I think I’m happy enough to say mine are correct for the bike but we all well aware of what parts bin specials these later bikes became
Let’s see if @Messer is still around, he’s refurbished enough SPSs to know the difference and what’s what.
Mine is a 2001 996s import. I looked on eBay at pretty much every 748/9** bike for sale and instrument clusters. None of them had the same idiot lights as mine, except that one advert which says they are ‘rare’ and off a S/SPS. Could just be sales BS but they certainly match what’s on my S . Be interesting to find out.
These bikes are 20 odd year old so many things get changed along the way. They’re just early set of clocks for sale but have the P8 tachometer. I’d have thought you’ll be running twin injectors on the 996 but not with a P8. Especially with the 2 seats on.
I’m new to Ducati’s so take anything a write with a large pinch of salt, I’m probably 99% wrong most of the time . I will check what ECU the bike has later
So my 1998 748 has these idiot lights below. The ECU on the 996 and the chip fitted. Bike appears to be mechanically standard including standard 50mm exhaust.. need to look up chips and see what this one is
I guess the whole unit is wrong, probably from a ST. The small lights with turn, oil written is incorrect and the rpm cluster I see it has a oil light internally, which the 9xx series never had.
Looks to me like the standard and correct EPROM in a 1.6M ecu for a 996S I beg to differ, both my, unmolested by others, 748 and 998S have the oil light in the Rev counter.