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DSS Error...

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by sangood, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. The sensor is housed in this bit


    The replacement wire is the one I put the white cable tie on and you can see its a different coating on the outside than the rest of the wiring. I know the original wire wore through the coating as it was too tight and the new one is a little longer to prevent the rubbing


    Apologies for filthy bike but I commute on it daily and got soaked many times this week ...i'll clean it , I promise :)
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  2. Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to post these, that's really helpful.
  3. Looked at mine this morning, and couldn't spot a cable with the different coating, so fingers crossed...


    I'll dig a bit deeper tonight, in case it's buried.
  4. Actually, looking closely, it looks like it's just visible where it disappears under the hugger, damn! Will have to check again tonight.
  5. The different coating is the new replacement wire....probably why you cant see it on yours ;)
  6. On my DVT I had DSS, DWC and DTC errors. Cause by water getting into the junction box down by the headstock. Water can get in but not out. Fix is to drill a small hole in the bottom. This has been done on a number of bikes which fixed the problem for good.
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  7. Had a better look last night, and unfortunately the "new" style cable was hidden under the others. So unfortunately it's not that.

    It's booked in with GT Motorcycles, but it's annoying that I have to rely on a dealer for diagnosing electrical issues. I'll check the junction box too - thank you for the tip. Seems unlikely - the bike hasn't seen any moisture in weeks, and the error came up just after I'd ridden a really bumpy section of road.

    As it happens, I'd noticed the suspension felt firmer than usual, but I'd just put it down to pumping the tyres up!!

    Absolutely dreading a big bill...
  8. Just had a call back from GT Motorcycles - new front suspension sensor required for my bike. £206 fitted. Gulp.
  9. If it makes you feel any better mine is in for the major service next week (3000 miles early due to upcoming big trip ) and then at the weekend my left fork seal blew (11700 miles)

    kerchiiiiing :tearsofjoy:
  10. Kerching indeed... Thing is, it doesn't matter how broke I am, I'd sooner live on dried bread and beans, just so long as the bike gets what it needs! Needless to say I live on my own...!
  11. And another DSS error on the dash. Out of warranty this time and diagnostic says its a front wheel accelerometer ....109 quid for the part then add how long it takes to fit ....ouch :astonished:
  12. That's partly why I jumped ship and bought a new bike; I was out of warranty and the 15k service was imminent...
  13. Had a TPS go last week , about £35 for the part ,bill for £185 , easy money .
  14. [​IMG]

    I had a DSS Error recently. Rapido did a great job and traced it to a faulty throttle. There's something that reads the voltage input which wasn't working correctly. Or something along those lines. No recurring issues so far.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Just like to say a massive thanks to Snells and Moto Rapido in resolving my double DSS error needing two rescues. Initial fault was front accelerometer cable chaffed. Snells diagnosed and fixed it in short order. That fixed and 300 miles later same DSS error. Bike recovered to Snells, multiple diagnostic codes. Contacted MR as an earlier post had said they diagnosed DSS error to faulty throttle and that was one of the diagnostic error codes. After describing symptoms, Andy at MR pointed me to the gear lever position sensor wiring ( another diag code error) Phoned Snells to give them the info and they had already discovered the GLP sensor wiring had chaffed on rear hugger whilst riding 2 up. (must lose weight) Cable replaced and bike sorted. I am so lucky to have 2 fantastic dealers so close to me.
  16. I get dss error on my screen sometimes. what do I need to do to fix DIY.. the mechanic said I need to front suspension sensors.... anybody know where I can get them. 2014 met pikes peak located in Thailand.

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