Hey Denzil, *Just* remembered about the stop valves in the connectors, tried again pushing down on the end of the connector ... and bingo ... fuel flow. Not any further forward, but at least I know my new fuel pump is connected and working, and pushing fuel round the system. I've not yet managed to get the DucatiDiag software to run on *any* of my computers ... and I've got a *lot*. Tried all the compatibility modes and installing DirectX-9 as suggests but no luck. Time for a break, and a jack 'n' beer. Mmmmm! Cheers, Ripface
Hey Hey! Got the software running on my laptop using the version of DirectX suggested by Pete. Top Job!! My first USB2OBDC connector would not work at all, but my spare seems to at least speak to the ECU. When it asks me to switch on the ignition the software responds and says "ECU Initialising" ... but then nothing more. Most of the options are greyed out, so I'll break out the soldering iron and try the earth jumper that was also suggested. On the bright side ... I got my Cooper S sorted. Replaced the MAP sensor and all good with the world. At least I'll have transport to work on Monday. : )
Woo Hoo! Thanks to all the great info and help on this site I now managed to get the DucatiDiag working on my lappy .... AND connected successfully to the ECU .... AND scanned for errors. Erm, now I just need to work out what it all means!! : )) Only errors were reported under the EEPROM section as follows:- Input errors: Vbat lower than lower threshold Output errors: Injector Open Circuited Ignition Coil 1: Coil 1 shorted to Gnd Ignition Coil 2: Coil 1 shorted to Gnd (And no .. not a typo .. reports Coil 1 here) Air Conditioner: Air Cond shorted to Gnd (Really??) Fuel Pump: Fuel pump shorted to Gnd Holy crap! I was expecting maybe one issuette ... but this looks terminal! Can anyone translate this into WTF is wrong? I can't believe that the air con on my 996 is not working!! At 120 you can definitely feel the cool breeze ..... I do feel bad coming back looking for *more* help. Take Take Take ... That's me!! It's ok, I'm over it now ......
Ripface, did you mean DucatiDiag, or is it TheDarkWraith's 1.6M tool you got working? I see some of those 'shorted' errors on the 1.6M tool when it first connects but I don't think they are genuine errors. I haven't looked into them in anger. Did you ever check for +12V getting to the coils while cranking? I wonder if you've got a problem with crank pickup signal getting back to ECU, i.e loom issue on the ECU-side of the pickup connector. Can't recall if 1.6M tool has an rpm graph that updates while cranking. I tried to use the tools at the weekend but on a different laptop and had issues. Kept dropping the connection :-/
Yeah, sorry ... I meant DarkWraith's 1.6M tool. I didn't crank whilst the tool was connected and will check ramarrah. Too late tonight to be cranking a bloody great V twin, don't think the neighbours will be too happy with that. Ah, tomorrow is Tuesday ... I run a Martial Arts school on a Tuesday night which takes up the entire evening. Will give it a blast on Wednesday. Will let you know how it goes ....
John, I just reread the thread and looked at the fault diag output above - all the faults identified share a common part of the loom. I will let you have a go at working out where it is. From the entire thread there are three things that jump out: 1. If you have not replaced the relays under the seat (both of them) with the correct new ones do it now and before you do anything else. Derek and Old Rider suggested this on page 1 2. When you took a feed from the relay for the fuel pump what did you do with the coil and injector feeds that come from the same output pin connector of the relay plug? Clue - the load output is pin 87, the load input at pin 30 comes from the heavy gauge orange wire in the three way power connector via the 20A fuse. Pin 85 and 86 of the relay are the switching circuit. 3. Meta 357s (both types) are installed with a minimum of 4 circuit splices, you identified the one that is obvious, there are usually ones on the fuel pump relay, the side stand switch, a +12v supply, the indicator circuit, at least two earths, the horn (or a sounder) and another mechanical switch can be wired in. Two of those splices are on circuits that can affect the fuel pump relay switch supply or ecu supply or switching supply It looks to me like the issue is located at one or more of: the fuel pump relay, the fuel pump relay connector, the fuel pump, coil and injector supply (from the big orange wire) or the 20A fuse/fuse holder under the seat (also mentioned on page 1 by Dukedesmo and Bootsam).
2. When you took a feed from the relay for the fuel pump what did you do with the coil and injector feeds that come from the same output pin connector of the relay plug? Ah! Aaaaaaah! AAAAAAAH!! I thought the output from that relay *only* fed the fuel pump. I cut that wire short of the relay and soldered a new feed direct off the relay and ran that direct to the pump. Just reconnected the cut end to the splice ... and she RUNS!!! I can't believe that I caused all this grief myself. Many thanks to all the help from this forum, guys you've been absolute stars and without this help I'd probably have ended up in a looney bin! Perhaps, given the nature of the fault (?) ... that's where I belong. Time to call the garage and arrange an MOT, TAX and Insurance and I'll be back on the road. Woo Hoo!!
Thanks for the sentiments Cream_Revenge, but credit where credit is due ...I'd have never sussed it without the help and support of the members of this forum, especially Pete and Denzil. Now my horizons have expanded with the options open to me with the ECU software, looking forward to having a play with that. Will try not to bugger it up again, although in my defence most descriptions of the "fuel pump relay" don't mention the fact that it also feeds the coils and injectors. Live and learn ..... Cheers, Ripface
Insurance? Check! MOT? Check! Road Tax? Check! Fun blast into town? Double Check!! Thanks to all again for the help and advice. I hope to be able to help someone out in future in a similar way. What goes around ...... : ) Cheers, Ripface