I would happily post a picture of myself but I know it would only drive the women wild and the men to a different life style. It's a gift I have. George Clooney will not leave me alone, tour buses pass the house with long lenses, at least I think they are lenses. Women fight to stand next to me in the supermarket. It's a rare curse amongst Ducati riders I just have to accept it. A curse I tell you. Think yourselves lucky to be mere mortals
Chris most people are not even in the same book in the looks department. It's a curse passed down through generations,a sort of gift from jealous Gods trying to out do each other. The Haynes manual of supermen if you like. All that and I can't sell a leather Ducati jacket to Ducati riders on a Ducati forum. I can feel the black cloak of depression enveloping my tosselled head. Someone buy my jacket!