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Ducati Euro Prices

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by fut1a, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. You still have to find a dealer who is willing to do that warranty work though even though the bike is covered by a warranty. I don't think they are obliged to do it.
  2. If a dealer anywhere in the EU was to refuse warranty work then I would be quite happy to complain to Ducati in the first instance and then take them to court for breaking the law.
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  3. If hypothetically the UK withdrew from the EU, it is impossible to say what would and what would not apply. Of all the myriads of standards, rights, practices, agreements, and regulations which apply Europe-wide, many would have to carry on applying in the UK. Presumably there are many where UK practice would change, and thereby come to differ from the rest of Europe. At this stage no-one has any idea which, or what the consequences might be.

    The position is much like it was before the Scottish referendum; if Scotland had gone for independence it was entirely unclear what the consequences might have been. Assumptions were made, or rather wild assertions were advanced. All was speculation.
  4. I have to agree with you Pete, but if the EU rules state that a manufacturer must supply goods at roughly the same prices throughout the EU member states, and the UK is no longer one of those states then it remains that they can set what prices they want.
    Many years ago BMW cars were sold at around 30% more to the UK than they were in the rest of Europe. BMW did this to keep themselves as a luxury brand in the UK (and admitted it!), and it was perfectly legal, till the EU came along.
    If the UK left then there would also no longer be a rule that any dealer within the EU must supply a vehicle to a UK resident.
    I am not going to get drawn into the in/out debate as I chose to leave the UK 11 years ago after a life of serving queen and country.
  5. If the EU are stating that a manufacturer must supply goods at roughly the same price throughout Europe then they are not doing a good job of policing it. Like I stated at the beginning of this thread I revamped my bathroom and saved 50% by buying the products from a German website.
  6. I wouldn't read too much intothe comments if I honest. Every item in every country is priced to suit the people purchasing it.

    Exactly what law is broken if a dealer refused to do warranty work ?
  7. Maybe, but because of the currency fluctuations it's difficult for them to control it when using the £.

    I have a business that buys and sells Italian manufactured industrial equipment but I can't constantly change the prices depending on the exchange rate - which has been as low as 1:1 and as high as 1:1.4 in recent years.

    The EU 'harmony' thing only really works within the Euro currency area...
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