I will be there but not riding up. Obviously not in London but only a several junctions up the M1. Here come the excuses.. I am testing a two stroke race kart on Wednesday I am fat, unfit and getting too old for this silliness. Lucky I have a rib protector that doubles as corset. I even lied about my weight (to make minim weight limit) now I have to drive amazingly to get anywhere near the pace as the team will be comparing my lap times to see if I stand any chance of racing in the senior class. Then I am out Friday and not home until Sat. So back on topic, I fear I may be driving up again. Anyway, I would not be able to keep up with you. I'm like a born again, was useless the first time round. If I'm not battered on Wednesday. I might ride up on my Honda Fireplace. The front brake is crap, so that might help me go round corners quicker. See you there.
Can I have the best parking space please (I'm precious about my mini) and can I stay the night Thank you
Can't guarantee the premium parking spot,but we'll do our very best!! Got both bedrooms booked,so it'll be either a settee or a tent
i can meet you again bud Bikes get priority so your little mini adventure will be parked half a mile down the road
cool mate! Think me mate col is gunna ride my ss up and me on the 48... K's driving ( someone has to carry the chicken!) we"ll be needing a tent... And fire wood!