we moved away from beads and string shortly after we invented the sheep... We like to pay with sheep bits now... That's "pay" not "play" (before any welsh or aussies get too excited)
tbh I've not been able to collect my mail for about a week as I have no key ... So they may well be here... I just like a good dispute
I meant to nuke ya... What does lock thread do? Is it polish for thread lock? My Polski mate at work keeps asking for a measure tape... Yesterday he wanted to use my saw hand...
and he says cabbage instead of cupboard and chicken instead kitchen... Hours of entertainment... Still, his English is a lil better than my Polish...
I don't feel too to 2 two bad about that... You have 20 very odd years on me and you ain't exactly Shakespeare... ( errr.. Was he English? Or good at it? ( I couldn't think of anyone )
no! I'm still in my 40's dude! Mid ... Ok, mid to late... But I've met you and you are late 60's if you are a day... Either that or someone's used some highly experimental anti aging drugs on you which backfired... badly....
Um, having them fit on the inside of the screen is great if you have a clear screen. I have a dark screen, can hardly see it..... I'd have thought a sticky back better so naked bikes could also have a sticker.
Not sure where to put on streetfighter - no screen fitted Don’t really want to take headlight apart to fit !