true. (big fan of D,G. i dont go anywhere else.) been riding bikes for nearly 40 years been in motor trade mostly dealerships for 30years plus best after care iv ever experienced, superb team.
Did your school report read " shows alot of promise but must try harder"? Martin isn't a shy person, i'd keep trying if I were you. "From my experience the man's word is his bond" If at 1st you don't succeed, try, try again. Remember its the holiday season and you may not be the only 1 trying to contact him and it may take quite a few calls to get hold of him. My advice to you is not to cut your face off despite your nose..!.
For goodness sake ducjay, you're doing it all over again, with respect, a wee phone call to me might of helped (again) ! As samieb says, you should've tried much harder to get in touch! I think there's another lesson for everyone in here - before you jump on a forum and start slagging folk off for lack of contact, make sure you've done everything in your power to instigate that contact, which frankly you haven't! As far as we are aware, you sent one email and didn't call or resend it to try and ensure it was received. i think we should set the facts straight, as it happens, you didn't message me on here, you emailed me directly which I responded to instantly. Unfortunately I can't tell exactly when I returned your email as I am currently in Brno at the GP and can't seem to access our server to retrieve my emails. Have you checked your spam filter? Worry not, I will most certainly be resendng that reply as soon as I am physically able!!! (I assume mid week) Oh and as to your further comments about guilt, that's utter bollocks! How many bridges are you trying to burn with me fella? I'll say publicly, there's gonna be precious little to repair if you keep up this misguided rant! Do you really think I would have entertained all of this nonsense up til now to just ignore an email from you?; especially with me knowing how much you seem to love forums!!! Surely that doesn't make sense to you??!! With respect, can I suggest you get a phone / borrow a phone, dial my feckin number and try and vocalise this stuff before you go keyboard ninja?! You are really not helping me feel the love here! And for the record, any more unsubstantiated insults hurled at me / my company will result in you coming off the Christmas card list permanently!! Phone number for me is 01413334998, next time please use it. I will be in work on Wednesday, please don't call before then. Mart
OMG that's just not cricket,I can't possibly wait till Wednesday for the next instalment ,What time Wednesday should we be by our screens!!!Enjoy the GP.
Its going to be 3/4 long days to wait possibly longer. Oh how the time will "drag on". Lets hope the GP13 development improves between now and then. With Crutchlow's P1 in Brno , no wonder he & Ducati took a 2 year gamble. I guess Martin's skills are required after all. .!. :biggrin:
Right that's it, I'm never using Ducati Glasgow Ag.....well, for a first time this is piss poor. I've only just picked up on this and now its all on hold? Damn it, missed out again! Just kidding, If anything this thread has now put DG owner (Martin) in a good light for me , just a pity your bloody miles away.
Is this still going on? Fecks sake! You bought the bike privately, you have no argument with Ducati Glasgow. You took the risk, and have unfortunately got a minger. It's life, so get on with it!...
It would appear so Radihead, Martin keeps offering the Olive Branch (more patience than a Saint at the moment). However he needs to find a telephone and learn how to use it, on Wednesday/ Thursday next week. Hopefully Ducjay will then get to the next stage in understanding his bikes issues and his own lack of due diligence when purchasing his bike 'Privately'.
you see he offers an olive branch - he wanted a fuel tank. its the dialect you see jimmy... I wouldnt ever use ducati glasgow. no chance at all. I was on the phone to a glasgonian the other day regarding something. couldnt understand a bloody word - and not when theres a ducati newcastle on my doorstep
Sounds to me like you deserve more than insults - your behaviour on here has been absolutely disgusting.
Good point. Some Scots, especially Glaswegians, deliberately put on their thickest possible Rab Nesbitt accent when talking to sassenachs so as to make themselves incomprehensible. Of all the lovely regional accent variations in the British Isles, to me the Glasgow one is the most grating on the ear.
This is the first time I have looked at and read this thread........... Legally it has nothing to do with Ducati Glasgow and quite frankly Martin shouldn't keep wasting his time getting involved; particularly having seen the OP's attitude towards DG. If a vehicle has been sold privately with what is supposedly a full service history; then it is down to the buyer to approach the private seller if something is amiss with the bike of the service history; but unless he does it within three weeks of getting the vehicle it is unlikely he has any recourse whatsoever. (Three weeks is the cut-off period that Trading Standards tend to use with regard to faulty vehicles and in most private cases, the same applies). AL.
well am still wantin ma thank jou anat fir geeing them agood revieue anat if it disna cum soon amaff anawrat yaken