If you can't understand it, it's a language not an accent. I had this conversation with my boss. He tried to tell me we all spoke English, same language blah, blah, blah. So I tossed him a few words, And a few more, and then some more until he gave up and conceded he had no idea what any of them meant. I think Danish and Norwegian are closer than Braid Scots and English.
What part of the sales process and who you "contracted" with do you not understand? You bought the bike from a private seller who claims to have had all the servicing done by DG. Your deal was with the guy you bought the bike from therefore your "beef" is with the guy you bought the bike from. Its as simple as that. Now run along and go bother him and not Martin at DG.
I've read this thread from its first posting hoping it would be resolved, but alas, it's not to be, it seems. To summarize:- an internet troll joins this forum with the specific (and only) intention of publicly bad mouthing a well respected dealer and even when it seems to be pointed out to him that the issue he has was a deception by a previous owner he still carries on with his public spite, no approach is made to the dealer despite that dealer offering to talk and see if they can resolve the issue. I see no reason for Martin to even dignify this thread with any further responses, the OP has shown himself to be no more than a venal tosser with a huge sense of inapropriate entitlement against a third party. He has been diddled by a seller who has lied to him about the history of his bike and then takes it out on someone else. He either needs to man up and take up his arguement with his seller or stop trying to blame anyone else for the problem. I've used Ducati Glasgow for years and would recommend them to anyone, this goes beyond the commercial services they do and I've always found them consistently helpful and friendly, so to see something like this where a new ID is created to smear the reputation of an almost universally praised business makes me deeply suspicious of the OP's motives in posting this, he does not seem to be interested in actually fixing his issue at all, only trying to damage the record of a successful dealer.
As above. If you take more time registering on a website and typing out numerous negative posts than you do trying to contact the person responsible for your issue, that tells me all I need to know about the OP. Now learn and move on, life's too short. If I was DG, I wouldn't have even bothered replying to your rants having seen your attitude. It seems DG have offered to talk to you about something that has nothing to do with them in the hope of resolving your issue with a private seller! More than pretty much any dealer I can think of would do!