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Ducati Manchester trip to Scotland - 25th to 28th July 2014

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by El Toro, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. New tyres fitted - raring to go :)
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  2. Loch Ness Monster :) SDWiii.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. the weather is just like that right now.
  4. Hard to believe but on the way home from Misano this year we had even MORE rain than we had on the way home from Scotland last year. Hoping for the kind of weather we had at the beginning of the trip all the way through this time :)
  5. been v.good for last 2-3 months. dry and hot most days.
  6. Genius Clive - looking forward to tomorrows :upyeah:
  7. ill be heading to scotland that weekend, edinburgh then off to aberdeen for a wedding.
    weathers looking decent, so reckon you will be alright
    ill keep my eyes open for a large group of dukes :)
  8. :)

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  9. cuil bay 14 049.JPG
    lots more of this for the next few days please. pretty picture with roads to match.
  10. @finm - what's the forecast for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday please?
  11. not to sure about friday and saturday sunday looking like a soar heed day.:smile:
    give us a mo and i will check
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  12. 50/50
    friday monday good. saturday sunday well, best not talk about it.
    if its pishing down gonna take the fugly.
  13. Rain..midges..rain...oh and road blockades as you pass the border, remember you need a passport now
  14. just cloudy. as i keep saying. recently been superb it will be fine.
  15. I can live with cloudy. Just not friggin' rain like stair rods that we had on the way home last year!

    You still playing out with us on Saturday and Sunday?
  16. Good lad. You coming to the arrochar hotel on Saturday morning to meet us?
  17. deffo, what times roll call. 9ish?
  18. I'd make it there for say 8.30, just in case. And you can have some breakfast too ;)
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