I was there on Tuesday also and it was a great day with the weather and the atmosphere. The Ducati and CSS team looked after everyone really well. I’ve never seen someone as quick as Scott Redding in person, he was unbelievable to watch. CW
One thing I noticed on the track day was that by far, the meanest, evilest and b**tard sounding motorbikes on the trackday were the 1098's / 1198's with full systems. They could have woken the dead.
some pics i got from the Ducati UK day as i came down to watch a mate. Not sure if the guy with the Venom lid is in the group but loved that lid! not a pro just thought id share these in case anyone wanted a picture or 2. Most of the pics will be from the fast group I' m
Just went onto the Picman site to buy pics of the day. It seems that after their intial 10 day "discount" period, they have decided to try and charge £49 for about 15 pics. Most of them are 4 or 5 of the same pic about a second apart, so about 5 different pictures for £49 That'll not be happening, you greedy piss taking low grade papperazzi.
I wonder how many would take a £10 per day option? That way, they can pay the photographer and punters get good value! Got to be better than a dozen at £40!!
Never done Silverstone. What's it like? Looks the absolute bollox in terms of fast and flowing. And super wide! So we can get brave with brake markers It's gonna be tight for me timewise on the 31st but hopefully I'll make it