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Ducati V-single

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Old rider, May 23, 2017.

  1. No idea but surely eliminating stuff can only help.
  2. I've disconnected the dash and will pull the ecu fuse to try and reset - worth a try perhaps...
  3. 3/8 drive deep 14mm 12 point socket might go in. their quite thin walled
  4. image.jpeg I'd have tried the cheapest option first,plug out in a dark garage check for spark,IF your getting a spark,put some petrol down the plug hole refit plug and see if it fires, if it fires you've got a fuel problem!obviously try a new plug as well?
    But I'm from a time before sensors and computers were needed to run a bike,oh! Almost forgot my 851 was the first bike to have all that stuff on it,it's never gave any problems,
    Any motor factor has plug sockets to fit the Dukes,
  5. Just tried a Halfords professional one of those, it's virtually identical in diameter to the Halfords plug socket from the same set and wouldn't reach the hex flats either... :/
  6. Went to Halfrauds last night and they didn't. Have a Sealey thin-wall on order that I know will fit via recommendation from CR.
    I can tell I have fuel because I can smell it when I start it. The error code is telling me I have a problem with the coil. I don't know but suspect I would get the same error code ig the plug had died or indeed if the wiring had a short.

    I had no problems with plug spanners for my SS but the Testastrettas have narrow, tapered plug wells. Normal plug sockets will reach the hex flats on an oem Champion plug but not those on NGKs, which have the hex flats further down towards the electrodes.
    #66 Old rider, May 30, 2017
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  7. Disconnecting the dash removed the eobd light and error code but it reappeared as soon as I started the engine again.

    Removing the ecu fuse for a few minutes didn't appear to do anything at all. Will try it for longer. This did work on my daughter's Fiesta, so thought it was worth a go.
    The plug is Iridium, so maybe people are right and they can give trouble. Right now I am hoping so...
  8. When my PC III failed at Jerez, fuel was cut to both cylinders intermittently. It's not beyond the realms of possibility it could fail to just one. I just unplugged the PC wiring and the engine fired back into life, not as sweetly but running okay. Andy
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. What about doing the above but with a new plug on the loose lead? Does the code reappear?
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  10. Thanks, @Android853sp.
    I'm getting fuel because I can smell it. The error code is telling me I have a short circuit
    #70 Old rider, May 30, 2017
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  11. There's a thought...

    I do seem to remember dire warnings though about running electronic ignition engines without a plug being properly attached and earthed. I think I'd have to run it because when I disconnected and reconnected the dash, the eobd light only reappeared when I started the motor
  12. There's a thought...

    I do seem to remember dire warnings though about running electronic ignition engines without a plug being properly attached and earthed. I think I'd have to run it because when I disconnected and reconnected the dash, the eobd light only reappeared when I started the motor
  13. Earth it with a jump lead?
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. If I had any...
  15. The wires on the coil side of the connector don't seem to match the colours on the ecu side - is this something I should worry about??
  16. got a proper pin out?
  17. Sorry Fin, don't understand. Too cryptic.
  18. pin out= wiring diagram with pin numbers
    am i right in saying its the same ecu used in the early fuglys of that period which is in fact the same ecu used in fiat punto's which where prone to coil driver errors if i mind right the error code was something like po351.
    #78 finm, May 31, 2017
    Last edited: May 31, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Yes I do have a wiring diagram and it's very confusing because the Trigger of one coil appears to be connected to the power of the other. Also, the colours of the lead on the replacement s/h coil don't correspond with the wires to the connector.
    Have established there is power and earth but not yet that there is a trigger signal.
    It is looking worryingly like the ecu drivers though :(
  20. i fear you may be right. who does ECU testing? i use a company called BBA-Reman. great service think i might of mentioned them on here before , might be worth a call.
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