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Ducatisti forum

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. That Forum was 99% brilliant.

    I don't swear much, or talk politics. So I never even noticed the Mods. :wink:
  2. I mod on another forum and it's never easy. Without the unseen work mods do it wouldn't be half as smooth.
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  3. Its not the mods, its the rules. Just like old plod ;-) its easy to blame those enforcing rather than those creating the shit in the first place

    the one reason this place is better is the politics, religion and general mass debates on some subjects..
  4. In my humble experience it seems that many forums are reluctant to accept new members. I'm not sure if they are frightened they may disturb the status quo and think for themselves, query their beliefs or what, but they seem to struggle to see that a forum is a rolling evolving entity. People also seem to be happy to resort to insults far quicker from the safety of a keyboard than they would normally. My logic I try and follow is before I hit the post button, to ask 'would I say this to a almost stranger in a pub?' - although I have to say this forum seems remarkably light on chumps who do these kind of antics!
  5. And as a ps , I'd hate to be a moderator! Fair play to those who do. It strikes me as a thankless time consuming task which could eat up all your spare time if you let it. You have to sit in the background yet know where to draw the line.
    So to the current mod's, thankyou.
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  6. I met you in some dodgy places too
  7. :eek:
  8. Childish yes, come on then infarc me.
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  9. I've tried to forget! :) Hahaha!
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  10. thanks :upyeah:

  11. Personal Message sent for inappropriate Language :eek:

  12. that's three Gav!
  13. I prefer Ducatisti as a forum if im honest which I why I spend the most time on ducati ms now.

    Compared to this forum they have way more tech stuff and projects.I also miss all the step by step guides on ducatisti.I like the fact you can talk all kind of bollox on here but it seems to be overtaking the duke stuff.Still mention moaner or rossi on the old site would soon see a good handbags at dawn internet scrap develop.I think after the way it closed down with loss of all the info has put people of making that same kind of effort again.

    Also Ducatisti forum felt more like a club with many more members meeting up for group ride outs.Not that I attended any as I think I would have upset the fun police and advanced riding brigade.Met a few good local folks into dukes thanks to ducatisti and has some cracking rides round the midlands like this one at clee hill observation post .

    #55 matt#corse, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
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  14. Tbh, I don't have a huge issue with language, but I do think he had the right idea banning threads about religion and politics. There are in my opinion too many, I just completely ignore them as I want to talk about bikes on here.

    I was on the old one when I had my 748; I liked it on the whole and used to log on from time to time a few years later to see what was about on there, whether my old bike had popped up on there etc, it hadn't as it had been written off not long after I sold it to the guy which is a crying shame.
  15. .ms is a great site, but I think its fair to say I think there is enough space in the community and the web for us and .org
  16. I understand that there were many members on there that paid paid for sponsorship/supporter status that lost their cash.
  17. Agree with Matt# in that much as I enjoy the banter on here the Technical stuff is limited now and seems to be dwindling away even, maybe because there are no foundations to build on due to a search engine that most have given up on. Seasonal changes aside, there always seems to be a bit of a honeymoon period to a Forum after two or three years unless it grows as large as .ms where there then seems to be no stopping it.
  18. Not enough bike threads shocker. Dogs abuse I got fir saying as much 6 months ago :rollseyes:
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