DVLA Rob Dogs

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by popelli, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. OK, all very interesting ..... but, once you get your tax disc, where do you put it :biggrin:
  2. I'm not saying she's lying, I'm pointing out that she may be giving you misinformation.
    Whilst it is common practice for you to be allowed a five day period of "grace" it is not a legal requirement...
    As I've said already (twice) it's unlikely you'll get done for it, but it is still a possibility.
  3. I always believed that Road Tax was to provide government funding for the maintenance of highways and was differentiated between types of vehicle on the basis of the wear and demand upon those highways. Now, if a car can be (Tax) free on the grounds of it's low impact on the environment, the implication is that NONE of the Road Tax is for maintaining the highways. SO where is the 'Equality' when a Honda Vision 50cc that can do 146.9 mpg has to pay £16 per year in road tax and a 700cc NCX that does 70mpg pays £76 and numerous cars on the market are exempt from tax despite doing far less mpg.

    Somebody should write to the minister for red-tape!!!
  4. Blimmin good point and one I have never thought of.

    Should get some sort of e-petition going to get motorcycle road tax revised.
  5. Council tax pays for the roads not road tax! Yes I know its doesn't make sense but if you look into the form the council sends you it shows you how much of the money from council tax is used for the roads. So where does the road tax money go? Ive no idea either. Isn't the amount of road tax you pay now down to the amount of emisions your vehicle produces?
  6. Misinformation LOL yes okay its not like its her job to know what the law is regarding this is it? As you obviously know better than she does perhaps you should work there instead? Doesn't matter how many times you've said it does it? You believe what you want to and I will quote what the woman who works at the DVLA told me over the phone on Saturday the 31st of March 2012, I know which one I will go with!
  7. A percentage is paid from central government coffers towards the cost of maintenance of our highways, a small percentage.
  8. Actually no,it's not her job to know the law - it's her job to send you a tax disc!

    Quoting "the woman on the phone said..." doesn't sound like a very solid legal defence to me, but hey you go with that if you want... I won't be...
  9. There is no legal defence for failing to display a VEL, there is no legal grace period. This is direct from an experienced traffic cop I know. However, he said if the vehicle is shown as taxed on the database, it would be a pretty petty officer to give you a fixed penalty ticket for failure to display if it was reasonable to believe it was in the postal system. Now, do you believe the copper who issues tickets for a living or the girl on the end or a phone......
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  10. So you know the criteria for working in the DVLA now and what her position entails? Outstanding! I would rather go with what the woman who works for the DVLA said to me than some random on an internet forum who believes in what he has concluded himself!
  11. Making out the person I spoke to as a 'girl on the end of a phone' against your copper that you know does not detract or belittle from the fact that I spoke to someone that works for the DVLA. I know what was said in the conversation, just because you spoke to a 'copper' doesn't mean its fact either as ive heard of many contradictory stories from them and as it happens I personally know two police officers.
  12. Maybe look up the law on the net, it'll be in black and white on a home office or similar site somewhere.
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  13. Car tax rules : Directgov - Motoring

    Right here - on the government's web-site in fact...

    And this is what it says...

    "Displaying your tax disc

    Your vehicle tax disc must be displayed on the passenger side (kerb side) of the vehicle’s windscreen. If there’s no windscreen or you have a motorcycle or sidecar, you should display the tax disc on the kerb side of the vehicle.

    A current tax disc must be displayed on the vehicle it was bought for. If you buy a new tax disc before your current tax disc expires, you should not display the new one until the old one has expired. The new tax disc is only valid from the first day of the month you have taxed from. The maximum penalty for failure to display a current tax disc is £200. The tax disc can not be transferred between vehicles.

    If you use the electronic vehicle licensing service or tax by post at the end of the month, there’s now an exemption for not displaying a tax disc. This exemption covers the first five working days of the month to allow time for the new disc to arrive in the post. While you are still waiting for your tax disc you will need to display your current tax disc. The exemption only applies if applications are made before the current tax disc or SORN expires.
  14. Bunglebubs - why can't you just accept the fact that you're wrong ?
  15. Where did I say it was what I said? I repeated from what the woman I spoke to at the DVLA told me over the phone! Is that clear enough for you now? What you have done is prove what I have been saying all along you get 5 days grace from when you tax the vehicle online! i can't believe you haven't even read what you have posted!!

    So who is wrong JR45? Or is it to hard for you to admit it?
  16. It quite clearly states, even in the section you have quoted back, "while you are waiting for your new tax disc to arrive you will need to display your current tax disc"...
    Why are you taking this as a personal sleight on your manhood or an attack on your ego?
    I am just trying to prevent the perpetuation of urban myths and misinformation.
    Chill out !
  17. If the vehicle is parked or being used on a public road and is not displaying a current tax disc it COULD be issued with a VE10 notice.
    You could then use the"five day exemption" rule as a defence, but you'd still have been issued with the ticket...
    Wouldn't it just be easier to wait for the tax disc to arrive ?
  18. Is it really a big deal guys, you buy your tax and stick it on the bike! If it's taxed common sense dictates you won't get a ticket if it's not arrived in the post. Lets just get out and ride! :upyeah:
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  19. Lol im not taking anything personally and whatever you may think I have no qualms or issues regarding my sexuality but its nice of you to sound so concerned about them.

    It seems to me that you seem to be the one having an issue admiting when your actually wrong as you have quite clearly proved it all by yourself. All I did was quote what the woman at the DVLA told me which is 100% correct because you had wrongly informed people on here what you thought was right and you are still refusing to admit this!
  20. Enough...
    I give up - you win...
    Nuttynick is right - it really is not worth arguing over...
    Make of that what you will...
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