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1200 DVT Dvt Seat

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Boomer, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. It is Ducati and Touratech - so what do you think? :)
  2. True, I should have thought of that!
  3. It's made by touratech for Ducati
  4. Holy sheet

    £350 for a seat? Wow......just.......WOW

    Personally I'd thoroughly recommend just getting a stock seat upholstered, it'll be less than a third of the cost and bespoke to the rider.

    Obviously it's completely up to the individual but buying a £13k plus 'sports touring' bike and having to replace the seat to make touring comfortable would kinda grind on me.
  5. The Touratech seats are I think made with a special foam structure that allows air to move through the foam and prevent dampness and sores where you don't want it. Whether that is worth £300 to the rider is personal choice.

    I am amazed that riders spend best part of £2k for exhausts for their Panigales but then if that's what they want and can afford it then why not?
  6. £350. Ouch. Rather have crushed bollox
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. The Seat is the only real problem for me, I need the seat as low as poss, but I do find it uncomfortable, long distance, sliding down numb ass, etc. good thing is a few minutes off bike and all is good again, for a while, but my 2014 multi with a Sargent was fantastic, for miles and miles, I do not mind spending the money, but I need to know it is going to work for me in comfort and not losing too much seat height
  8. I reckon it just needs a small wedge fitted at the front of the seat or a small wedge taken out the back. So on low it sits flat, then on high postition it will push backwards. But not riding in high position, who cares ;)
  9. When in high position is this gap really big?
  10. If the seat is in its high position as intended by Ducati, there's no gap. The space between the seat and the bodywork is filled by the riser that supports the seat on each side.
  11. Thanks, yes I saw the bike up close yesterday and noticed that extra trim running on the underside.

    To be honest it still felt quite low for me and not really very comfortable compared to the previous model.

    I'll have to organise a test ride but on the face of it id probably have to change the seat myself and have extra padding / height built in.
  12. I know what you mean; it's about an inch too low for my preference, too, and noticeably lower than the 2014 model.
    That said, I've settled in over a couple of thousand Km (completed the running-in last weekend) and it's bothering me a lot less now than it did before.

    I have a habit of riding with the balls of my feet perched on the pegs, and sitting fairly far back in the seat, which helps.
  13. I have it on loan on my bike. It's got Ducati Performance by Touratech on the RHS. It costs £350!!! It's much more comfortable. More padding (correction some padding!) at the back, slightly wider in the middle flat section and the centre dip is less pronounced with more padding. It will suit most riders, but because of my bony arse I'm having mine rebuilt with memory foam, flatter, higher for less than £100. My test ride in April was 2 hours and nothing showed up. I took mine for a ride from London to Cardiff and noticed it has sharp edges. I then rode to Italy, a 10 hour day followed by a 9 hour day and I think I'm permanently damaged. The standard seat cuts between my buttocks and thighs. There is no padding at the back. I could feel every power stroke on the rear cylinder. The dip throws you into the centre narrow bit on every bump and it's just too low. I think it will feel like a different bike when it comes back; less softened supermoto, more tourer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Here are pics of the standard seat, with and without my airhawk pad which doesn't work because the front cells hang off the seat and all the air goes to them when you sit.



  15. IMG_6879.JPG IMG_6880.JPG IMG_6882.JPG Here's the Ducati Performance Touratech seat. Touratech will be making more bits for this bike at the end of the year, and I'm half expecting them to come up with further seat options, but I can't wait that long. IMG_6879.JPG



  16. sorry the photos repeated, I haven't got the hang of this site yet. Anyway, you can tell the difference because the upgraded seat doesn't have the red stitching.....which is a bit of a cop-out in my mind.
  17. Is the Touratech seat height adjustable?
  18. It uses an identical base plate to the original, so you can raise or lower it by adding or taking away the extender pieces that come with the bike. The foam density on the Touratech seat feels a bit different, but it feels like it's just foam, I don't think there are air pockets, so I'd expect further touratech choices in the future. This touring seat is probably an inch higher effectively than the standard one.
  19. just the rider seat!!!!
  20. When you get it back share the love with some pics :)
    Am interested in this.
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