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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. You've got the wrong thead. This is th one you meant to post on Joke Page | Ducati Forum
  2. From reading all your posts, i thought thats where i was.
  3. Reading all? Awsome, I have a clingy stalker
  4. Try wiping your arse properly
  5. They all look blindingly obviously good things to me. Excuse my ignorance here though as I have a few questions .

    If we have been signed up to it for some considerable time how come same sex marriage has been such an issue here recently? Would it not have automatically have been legal from the moment we signed up . Where do more Catholic countries such as ROI & Italy stand on this matter ?

    Regarding freedom of expression, does the ECHR draw a line anywhere ? I`m thinking in particular of the so called muslim hate preachers . Are they flouting the convention & if so its it the fault of the UK that they are allowed to do so ?

    There have been high profile cases reported where it appears that for example people who should have been deported after committing serious crimes have been allowed to stay because of family ties. Does the right to family life overrule apparently sensible deportation orders or is it the case that the judges are making mistakes ?
    • Like Like x 1
  6. What and put you out of a job?

    Seriously tho, do you realky belive this is a country where free speech is permitted, you have the rights to protest and punitive measures are only taken against thise proven to have been law breakers? Oh and the laws are fair and equtable across all areas of society? I'd be amazed
  7. Tell you what this new ios8 shit is more shit than the last shitty spellchecker and keyboard!! And editing your own stuff in safari almost teeth-pullingly frustrating.
  8. Theyre a damn site better than you give them credit for. Nothing is perfect. But theyre a damn sight better than they have in many countries. Plus they were hard fought for by our own grandparents. To cast them aside is like pissing on our ancestors.
  9. You may not have voted for them , in fact nobody voted specifically for the coalition we have but in fairness the 2 parties in coalition did get a majority of the votes cast I think. Please correct me if I am wrong. It could be argued that coalition is a good thing as the Lib Dems have certainly stopped the Conservatives from carrying out all their plans had they won a majority of seats alone and I don't think another term of Labour alone would have been a good thing either.
  10. Is my irony being missed somewhere....ie OUR govt is TAKING them away, which is a travesty, in the name of 'anti terror'. Funny how we managed thru the direct action of IRA in the 70's to 90's

    Bang on they should be there. Bang on I support them. Bang on I dont belive this is a EU thing but how any country should behave

    But like all things,its the interpretation of the rights that creates the issue
  11. I'm entitled to.........

    ...whatever I want.

    As to whether I get it or not, is an entirely different matter and depends largely upon many things of which I am not.
  12. I'm going to paddle against the stream a bit here.

    I see the problem as not being the ECHR but the make up and appointment of the Judges from each country. I would like to see the quality and experience raised somehow. Or some other changes that would prevent the present problems occurring.

    Some of the decisions have been pretty outrageous and of course the media have jumped on them. The Court obviously does a valuable job in the main but I am personally very unhappy about the failure to deport convicted killers/rapists, etc. who use the Court to stay in the UK. For example:

    Immigration judges block foreign killer's deportation on 'human rights' grounds - Telegraph

    850 foreign offenders in British jails because they can't be deported - Telegraph
    • Like Like x 2
  13. What makes me sick is that we go through the time and expense of sending someone to trial, then they appeal costing us more money time effort etc, and when it reaches the supreme court and they are still sent for deportation, a bunch of people in a foreign land can say that all of our Judges are wrong and that these bastards get to stay.
    Dr Hook, took the piss, the Borneo? rapist ditto,
    I ask one simple question what about the rights of the decent people who were born here, work here, die here, etc?
    Have we not got the right to live amongst other decent people or will a bunch of disconnected judges on foreign soil dictate that we MUST live alongside this scum incase their rights are violated in their country of origin?
    • Agree Agree x 1

  14. What a load of leftish bollox.. There over seven billion on the planet. How do you know that several million are asylum seeks at any one time.
    I think you are confusing the meaning of asylum with move for greater wealth or a better standard of living.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  15. This post has just reminded me of a question.
    How did the French get around the Burqa issue I.E. the banning of wearing them in public, or is it either, is / isn't resolved, not a human rights issue, or the French are above the law?
  16. Simple. How can it be a human right to dress in a particular way? All sense would say its a decency law thing as to how not to dress ( or indeed be undressed)

    I fail to accept you must dress in any particular way to worship your chosen deity
  17. There was nothing left wing about that post. But your accusation could be seen to have betrayed your right wing leanings and thus discrediting anything said thereafter. I will give you the benefit of the doubt although your choice of name and avatar may be appropriate. :p

    There was 7.125 Billion according to google and the way the some would have you believe, you would think all 7 billion were trying to sign on over here. I don't discredit your last sentence as there is an element of truth behind it, however the problem is not the ECHR but its implementation at times and the scaremongering promoted by certain facets of the political elite.

    Remember no politician fights for more powers for you. Only for more powers for themselves. This is not a Left vs Right argument. We, the British, wrote the damn ECHR. I certainly wouldn't put Churchill to the left of centre. Careful what we allow the Gov to sleepwalk us into under the guise of something else. The ECHR is not some meaningless policy. It is something our ancestors fought and died for. You may as well burn the Magna Carta and prostrate yourself to Westminster.

    THIS IS NOT A RIGHT V LEFT. This is the rights of your children becoming eroded to suit a political need peculiar to the current times. Think this through.
  18. As it's easy enough to find plenty of reports saying the Burqa is not a requirement of Islam I'd say it's quite simple to win that particular argument.
  19. I'd say that the rights in 8, 9, 12 are compromised.
    I fail to accept that a Government can tell an individual how to dress; would it be considered right and proper to ban the Kippah, or Turban in public, or are these religious insignia considered non threatening to a developed western nation.
  20. Some fat birds should be banned from wearing some of the shit they wear on Sat nights.
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