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E cigs

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. It's glycerine and nicotine plus flavour isn't it?

    How many drops do you put in at a time? I have one of the pen style vapour units and I don't know wether to put a few drops in at a time or full it up
  2. Knocked it on the head 3 years ago. Miserable giving it up, no regrets...Nasty f'ing things!
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  3. Two comments...
    As a non-smoker I have to say these e-cig things should be banned from all the places that cigarettes are - they STINK!

    Secondly... Yes, I am anti-smoking : having watched my own father have a heart-attack as a direct result of smoking I am convinced of the dangers. So - if you want to commit suicide, carry on : but please do it somewhere away from me.
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  4. I've never smoked thank god.

    I watched cancer kill a guy I worked with in under a year. Found a shadow on his lung in the September, he was gone by the next July. A really nice man too. He stopped a 40 a day habit on the day he found out the bad news. The horse had bolted by then obviously.

    I see somkers outside in smoking shelters at work, huddled together in the wind and rain and just can't see what they get out of it.

    I'm a great believer in "live and let live". Do what you want as long as it doesn't affect others. But this is a nasty habit with no positives and should be banned.
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  5. I agree
    Smokers should be given six months to register then all tobaco sales stopped
    Tobacco given out through prescription.
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  6. Smokers wanting to give up could always go cold turkey. Today would be a good day to start with that ...
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  7. Well I only smoke & drink at weekends. Wouldn't bother with Ecigs cos after 2 rollies I feel shaky. God only knows how people can smoke 40 a day! When I see young adults having an ecig on the go I just feel sorry for them. And lets face it, if you mix your own and have different pipes for purpose then perhaps you've swapped one problem for another?
  8. You can buy it ready mixed which is as you thought, glycerine & nitotine with a flavour added at the strength you order or you can mix your own if you buy bottles of each, the nicotine comes in 54mg strength then you mix it to reduce the strength to your requirements and add you own flavours there are hundreds to choose from.

    Has your ecig a tank or a drip atomiser?
    #28 MellowYellow, Dec 27, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  9. One problem kills you, though. Surely the other is a better proposition..?

    As it happens my brother had bought two E-cig thingies, and gladly gave me one. I've been using it for a couple of days and it seems ok, but all the time there are fags in the house I'm going to struggle (I've cut my fag intake by more than half, though). Once I've finished the fags I've already got I'll try to go without completely, but I've been a heavy smoker for 40 years, I don't expect it to be easy.

    This is what I've got. Seems pretty good.
  10. It looks like a mascara rather than a cig.
  11. Yes, makes you a little self-conscious it has to be said. Still, better than dying...
  12. I started using one in January last year. With the aim of substituting as many fags as possible. At that time I was using a 50 gm pouch of GV in just under 4 days. I never said anything about stopping smoking and in the early days still had the odd roll up.

    I had a half kilo of baccy waiting to be used and in August gave it away.

    If you make the fags a pain to get to and keep the e cig very handy and use it as much as possible when you do have a fag you will probably ask why did I bother
  13. I feel much better smoking the E-Cig rather than regular fags, especially out here when the L&Ms and Seven Stars tobacco content is dubious at best. My lungs have cleared right out over the last few days, my sinus is clear. I might still die of cancer but I will at least be able to breathe, smell and taste up until then.

    My machine is a Galaxy Vapes pen thing. You unscrew the top and pour in your juice.
  14. Good luck with that, Fig.
  15. Apparently Fig, heavy smokers find it easier to give up than occasional smokers.

    I don't know why, so please don't ask. :smile:
  16. Hasn't worked for me over the years, and I've tried giving up plenty of times. Only recently I wasted 180 quid on hypnotherapy, didn't make a blind bit of difference. Trouble is I quite like smoking...
  17. ......and me ! I done hypnotherapy and started giggling less than half way through it.

    I stopped smoking because I wanted to but started again 5 years later because of a house move ( any excuse):smile:.

    I think I actually performed better when I smoked. I got up when the alarm rang and I ate less !

    In fact, stuff this. I'm back on the GV and a packet of Reds from tomorrow !:upyeah:
  18. I tried giving up loads of time, like you, I liked smoking. I got my ecig 4 years ago, I had a roll up not long after I gave up, it tasted awfull. I'm happy with it and mix my own liquid so have the nicotine strength the way I like it. I've no intention of giving up the ecig.

    Keep at it, it will work for you, I found eventually you get your sense of smell & taste back , you probably don't even realise you lost them. You might have to try a few different ecigs and liquid to find the right one for you.
  19. I've only got the one at the moment, with a hazelnut flavour, seems to be working pretty well. I'm still having a few fags throughout the day (but then I'm sat at home doing nowt at the moment), but it's already saved me a load of money over the last few days. That's my impetus, saving money so's I can go on another bike trip this year.
  20. Fig,
    Get yourself to your GP and ask for Champix.
    Every little crutch helps while stopping... :upyeah:
    #40 Nelson, Dec 30, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
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