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E cigs

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Got one more fag left...
  2. Giving up smoking,a drug,can be done if the reward for doing it is so irresistible.For years I was a smoker,usually a minimum of 30,mostly 40ish a day.One day my daughter came out with the following;'Please stop smoking daddy I don't want you to die'.
    That really knocked me sideways.A few days later I had hypnotherapy and I havn't smoked since.
    I did however get a bit porky afterwards as I replaced my ciggy addiction with maltesers,a whole box a day.That lasted about 3 months.
    I understand how difficult it is for people to stop smoking but it can be done.I also understand the pleasure that smoking gives and would never criticize anyone that smokes and enjoys it.
  3. Gave up 2 months ago having gone cold turkey, had a bit of a health scare which turned out to be non smoking related and sure gave me a wake up call, turned out to be nothing but for a while I was really worried, made me realise what a mugs game smoking is after 30 years of doing it.
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  4. I'm 4 days in to giving up so I feel your pain Fig!

    It's $10 US for 600 fags out here….. It's cheaper to smoke….

    That's nasty foreign ones though. I can get 200 Lambert and Butler for $18 dollars in Kandahar. Marlboros too.
  5. I gave up for over 10 years without any other help but repeated chest infections forced me to.Lost my mum earlier this year and thought that I could have an odd one without getting back into them as I never missed them whatsoever. Here I am again smoking and now with a terrible chest infection again.Just bought an E cigarette system and jeez,making me cough more than normal fags.
  6. Yes and perhaps six months for drinkers as well ?

    Alcohol given out through prescription.

    Or what about fast food ?

    That would save a lot more money. :wink:
  7. The E-cigs hurt me to smoke, this is half the reason why I'm finding it useful to smoke it. I don't actually want to as the experience isn't a pleasurable one, I use it when the craving is overbearing and not for pleasure. Works quite well.
  8. Ive ordered one of those today on the recommendation of a colleague. How long do the clearimizers last Fig?... Also, I can't find replacement ones on the E Cig site?... It's all a bit confusing to begin this swap over from fags!?...
  9. Saw someone smoking one in the pub on Nye. It looked like he was sucking on something with Bluetooth.

    The two neighbours opposite are always outside their house puffing away on cigs. Strange how they don't want smoke on their soft furnishings but don't mind that nasty shit in their lungs.
  10. It is very confusing, you're right, but once you get past all the pointless terminology you'll see that basically everything fits everything, so you can pick what you want and it'll work. That Aqwa battery is made by a company called Innokin (this version being the itaste VV 3.0), but basically any battery will do. The most popular type of batteries are called EGO batteries and will have standardised screwthreads for the atomizers, etc. The higher the Ma-h rating, the better, variable power like the Aqwa, even better.

    The clearomizers come as either rebuildable or non-rebuildable types, I reckon they'll last about 2 months each, maybe more. Again, pretty much any clearomizer will fit (look for ones with CE4, CE5 or 510 fittings, it refers to the screwthreads, and any one of those will fit an EGO battery). Non-rebuildable clearomizers are about £5-10 each, on the rebuildable ones you can just replace the atomizer in the bottom, a pack of 5 atomizers costs about a fiver. Batteries cost between £5-30 usually.

    Lastly we come to the liquid. If you're a heavy smoker like me you'll need a liquid with nicotine in it (most of the ones on ebay are nicotine-free, which is about as useful as a chocolate kettle to me), and they come in different strength ratings. I use a stronger one with 2.4% nicotine (or 24mg).

    So basically, if you stick to EGO batteries, and make sure the clearomizers have CE4, CE5 or 510 fittings, you can mix and match any parts. Can't see the point of nicotine-free e-liquid, it's nicotine your body will be craving, so give it some. I've been 5 days without a fag so far and to be honest it's been quite easy. The hardest part is breaking longstanding habits (you know, where you automatically reach to the same place to find your fags, and what times you normally light up). This e-fag is really working for me, and I've already saved a stack of cash:upyeah:
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  11. I'm 8 days in now, having binned the smokes I have now binned the e-cig too. I feel much better for it too :)
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  12. Good work...:upyeah:

    You too fig...:upyeah:
  13. Well done ! I must admit I'v been using that vape thing too much over Christmas and it's making me feel a bit shitty ; )
  14. Thats what happened to me, it was a crutch for the first 2 days but then just started to make me feel sick as I was smoking it too much. I didn't want to smoke it, thus i stopped :)
  15. Another product to ban in doors. The vapour stinks and is as annoying as smoke
  16. Mine came this morning and I haven't touched a real cig all day!?.. I was climbing the walls last time I gave up, even using the patches!.. Amazing bit of kit!!
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  17. I've been under pressure for a while from my bosses; they took me on knowing I'm a heavy smoker, but every time I have a fag it's mentioned. So I've tried patches, gums, spray, and the e-fags you get from the petrol station. None of them work, cos none of them contain nicotine (or enough nicotine). Now i've got a proper e-fag it's working a treat. My brother just told me of another, even better e-cig, I could become a 'label' smoker at this rate...
  18. Don't blow the thing up ! :wink:

    Be careful that you don't burn the wick or OD on the nicotine :cool:
  19. So can you also spray the nicotine liquid onto your garden plants to poison the aphids and other pests?
  20. So whats the top banana e-fag then?
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