I used to have the same thing myself with some of the atomizers, some are ok but don't think the coils are as good,also they used to leak, which is why I stick to rebuildable. They might be cheap but often false economy as you can waste as much juice as you vape.
I was looking at the rebuild able atomisers. Bit pricey if I find I can't rebuild it. What one do you use?
I reckon those things are no good for ya, dont look as harmful as a cig but still....They will be regulated soon enough. Way I see it....cigs will be outlawed in the EU ( cuase they always get thei ****ing way, i really loathe the EU ). This is how cig companies plan to recoup from cig sales, they will make their money on ecigs. You gotta want to quit, its the only way. Im off 3.5 yrs, not even a puff, never giong back. Willpower, it is hard but the rewards are worth it. ( Im not a reformed anti smoker - but glad i quit ).
I use LTecigs, look at the rebuildable mizer,the stainless steel drip mizer 5, dual coil just £11.50, it comes with 2 spare coils. If you can handle a screwdriver all be it a small one you'll be able to rebuild it. Check out Todds reviews as above, there's loads of video's to show you how. Or if you want a tank the Aga T2 about £20. I used to buy cartomisers for 5 for £14, some would last a week others 2-3, some leaked, so you end up throwing them, it's more cost effective to rebuild. I don't know what you pay for cartomizers but once you've bought a rebuildable the only cost is wick & wire which is pennies.
Interesting post, not that I agree with any of it. What exactly do you think is wrong with e-cigs, how will they harm us? The government have already tried (and failed) to make them prescription items - if they think it's good enough to become a prescription item there can't be much wrong with them. And cigarettes won't be outlawed in my lifetime. Think of all the revenue that would be lost. They'd have to start taxing non-smokers...
From 2017 it will be illegal to sell menthol fags. I think it won't be long after that plain smokes will be banned too.
Namby - Pamby Governmint bollox - Why should some Eton educated rent boy tell me how I should live my life? - They aren't exactly role models themselves! Cnuts - Seems they spend too much time thinking of ways to piss off the electorate!!
Recieved from our "H&S" people today - It would appear that it's not just real cigarettes that burn your house down... Recently U.K. based Fire and Rescue Services have responded to two separate house fires and, on investigation, found that the cause of each fire was due to the rupture of a battery pack used to power an electronic cigarette device.An electronic cigarette is an electrical inhaler that vaporizes a propylene glycol based liquid solution into an aerosol mist, simulating the act of tobacco smoking. It is often marketed as a smoking cessation aid or as a tobacco replacement. The investigations carried out identified that the Lithium-ion battery cell was left plugged in and on charge from a USB port. In each case the end cap detached from the battery unit when it ruptured, ejecting metal foil components across the room, igniting soft furnishings approximately 2m away.Safety Advice : Always follow manufacturer’s instructions when charging the device: Always charge batteries in a well-ventilated area: Never leave batteries on charge overnight or when going out: Never continue using batteries that are damaged or faulty...
Or I could be knocked off my bike by a bell-end on his mobile or playing with his sat nav, whereas if you'd stopped in the layby you just passed and had a drag on your ecig you'd still be alive.:smile:
Being knocked off your bike is a possibility.Suffering sometime from smoking fags is a probability.However each to their own,as I to am not a reformed smoker.It was my decision to stop smoking.
Very true, plus most of Europe are significant smokers - far more so than in the UK. One thing you can count on is that if the eu tried to ban smoking there would be mass protests right across Europe.
finally got round to charging mine up last night, i'v only had it a year. been using it today, very good only had 3 fags at work so far not trying to stop just cut down don't relay smoke at home but chain smoke here.
C'mon then!... How are we all doing??... Personally, I've not had a cig for about 3 weeks, which when I started this I thought would never happen... Really happy with the way it's going, but still have the odd urge for a fag... the only downside is I might be now addicted to Strawberry Sharm flavour juice!!
I'm a month into it, and apparently I've saved £420-odd and avoided 1280 fags. But I've also broken two e-fags due to liquid leaking into the top of the battery and shorting them out, so the e-fags are proving more expensive than I expected. They don't seem to be particularly reliable, these things. Importantly though, I've not had a fag, and not even wanted one. I can't recommend these e-fags highly enough. I've even found you all a nice cheap site to buy your e-fags from - Fasttech - Incredibly cheap prices and worldwide free shipping. And if you want the best e-liquids, albeit at a price, Mrs Lord & Co's custard cream e-liquid is apparently the best of the best. I shall be shopping at both the second my wages touch down...