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Early Morning

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by apuhtred, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Were you in Lord of the Rings? :wink:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. There were hundred 'n' fifty of us, livin' in shoebox in t'middle of road ...
  3. You were lucky!

    #43 El Toro, Oct 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  4. The Yorkshiremen!!!!!!! One of my fav clips
  5. I feel all your pain..ive struggled with insomnia on and off for years...the last few months have been my best kip ever....i went to the docs..no pills, but he told me to pratcise good 'sleep hygeine'....no smut please Toro...its basically doing all the things you know that you should do...get to bed at the same time, dont get back up even if you feel awake, dont eat too late, dont drink anything late in the evening (to avoid visits to the toilet)..
    I will still have a few evenings a week where i either cannot get to sleep, or will have a disruption in the night..cars going by, or a noise from next door, and then i'll lie awake...
    i never lay in at the weekends either, just to no mess up my body clock...ive also been able to start doing some exercise recently and thats helped enormously..
    If i also feel properly tired i will go to bed, not doss on the sofa..Last week i hit the sack a couple of times at 9 in the evening and didnt surface until 7 so i must need the sleep.
    I dont want to be on a downer, but ive struggled with a couple of serious bouts of depression over of the years (lasting several years at a time), and that seriously fkd up my sleep..insomnia, chronic fatigue then bouts of relentless, unrefreshing sleep....ive also noticed that in the last 8 weeks or so, ive started dreaming again...ive had long periods where im simply unconscious...im aware that ive been dreaming even though i cant remember the dreams, whereas normally i used to simply awaken...
  6. been doing 6 day weeks for last 6 years, anything up to 18 hour days no more than 10 days off in last 3 years, now dry yer eyes.
  7. I'm an insomniac :(
    I get about 2-3 hours a night.

    It's got progressively worse.
    Then I get night jolts were I wake myself up..
    I've sleep walked quite a bit.

    It got really extreme this year.
    Then I started getting what's called restless leg syndrome which is you lay down to go to sleep and your legs twitch or feel like electricity going through them.
    The only solution is to get up and move about :(
    Things got really bad I found I was knocking myself out at weekends but could sleep for two days drugged up and I'd wake up exhausted.

    Then it got to sod all sleep and no dreams ?
    I stopped dreaming.
    4 weeks ago I was fit to drop due to no sleep I couldn't function and fell asleep at work.

    I was undergoing re diagnosis for some stuff and it turns out I was misdiagnosed and I have fybromialgia like Mervyn .
    Basically gives you insomnia and they say your body never recharges as you stop going into deep sleep.
    I tried an iPhone ap that monitors your sleep cycle ( sleep next to your phone) it tells you if you had deep sleep , your movement .
    Sure enough I do not go into the deep sleep mode.
    So basically I'm stuffed and have this crap forever now !
    The app is sleep cycle I think it's really good!
  8. My heart goes out to you. This has only just started to happen to me and not looking forward to it being long term. doc has put me on pills but at the moment no joy. Best I am getting is about three hours continuos sleep. Have a few issues going on which may be partly sorted this week so hope that will resolve it. God knows how some of you put up with this long term. Just praying I am not about to become one of you. Perhaps we ought to start a night owls section.

    Regards and undestanding Steve
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