For Sale Ebay Bikes

Discussion in 'Ducati Bikes For Sale' started by Rob, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. It does say registered. Which it is.
  2. But it was new in 2005 so what do you want them to list it as? They state registered in 2005 implying it is an earlier model.
  3. Someone who didn't know the 999 series would think it a 05 bike.

  4. I have an 03 on a 05 plate. My 996 is an 01 on a 02 plate. When/if I sell i'll point this out.
  5. It is though? New in 2005 so the seller is factually correct and states registered in 2005 - which he surely wouldn't have stated if it was a MY05?
  6. Why does it matter? What am I missing here?
  7. You're going to sell? :eek:
    My 998 is a 2003 but had a 2002 private plate on it when I purchased it, I only found out later :)
  8. Not sure :)
  9. If you called Ducati and give them the frame/engine number it would be a........?
  10. Does not sit well with me. Not a lie but not exactly truthful either.
  11. Are there fundamental differences between the two MYs in terms of spec or value then? Are you saying it's claiming it's more valuable/ special than it is?
  12. Fine, it's obviously just me then..............
  13. I'm saying I don't understand. Not that you're wrong. What am I missing?
  14. Yes there are major differences - fairing, swing arm, frame colour being the most obvious.
  15. Ah, the newer 05 model has the black box SA which most prefer the look of, and it will have a more powerful engine.
  16. So it's worth less than he's asking? He's claiming it's better than it is?
  17. Gotcha. So it's overpriced? Would people buy something like this on the basis of the date of registration then? Or would they buy on the evidence of those things if that's what they needed? Not my area of expertise.
  18. ish. He is saying (after i emailed him to point out his bike is not an 05 model) that it was registered in 05 which is true. But, he states the year is 2005 which is false in my eyes as I would think the "year" should be year of manufacturer, not first registered.
  19. Nope, not overpriced currently, but it's an auction so who knows what it will sell for.

    Most people would just want a 999. Some would want the newer 05 though, although I would have thought they would know the difference.

    Saying that, one member couldn't tell the difference between a 999BP and a 996R the other day :eyes:
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