This bike was up for sale last year.I don't like it at all.They never sold one with that body colour.I also don't like the wheels or belt cover.However we are all different thank goodness, and if it pleases someone to have it-that is good. My own MH has the Ducati Performance Carbon Fibre bodywork.I love it,but it is not to everyones taste,or the bike either..
It's not the paint scheme, I quite like it, it's the blue levers, reservoir pots, rizoma grips, belt covers, wheels and tyre paint :Arghh: He'd probably get a lot more for it standard. Mervyn: Nowt wrong with carbon bodywork.
I do have the red bodywork stashed in my loft.I don't think he has the original parts,well he doesn't have the wheels anyway.I think he might have to bite the bullet and drop his price.
definite bargain unless undisclosed damage - speedo and tacho regularly sell for £40 plus on their own : - Ducati Clocks 916 748 750 900 SS | eBay
Ex Chris Walker ZX7RR - 1999 BSB + some WSB Chris walker`s 1999 BSB Kawasaki ZX7RR race bike British Superbike | eBay