What is the world coming to ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ducati-D...604555?hash=item2f3bbb77cb:g:qpMAAOSwIzFeCbzv Of all the eBay retailers, Sheffield are the last I’d expect to offer a D16 at this price. Andy
Maybe New Years resolutions kicking in ...................we must stop taking the customers pants down.
Final Edition, 18 miles. Bit sad that in my book, but I do understand. But, struggle to comprehend. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/133289710118
If the original owner bought it for an ornament he would not have allowed PDI mileage and delivery to get it home - something doesn't stack up...
Yes. I thought that odd (mileage) but put down to some US idiosyncrasies? Looks a genuine bike at a fair price. But, what a waste.
I have a Bayliss 1098R behind my sofa and one on the road, neither are wasted - at least some other fekker hasn't got one of them
You would think they would know the cc is not 1103 and actually 1198 being a Ducati Dealer. Does the scribblings mean it's had the Engine apart or are they on about standard spec here?
you are zero fun, Bah. at a guess standard. Lazy administrator 1198. Hope it’s had the recent breather recall done.