I've not purchased from trade for a very long period now,i did agree to buy a bike the other week and backout three odd hours later,but you've to proceed with caution with these people or mistakes can be made on secondhand motorcycles..
It is rather lovely. I also don't think the price is over the top, but I'm sure they are actually looking for £12K after a bit of a haggle. If only I had the spare cash. Nasher.
They are up in Alton and looking at there other stuff for sale they have a lot of cars and this Bimota. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2000-Bim...822856?hash=item5daff1e008:g:frUAAOSw~6FcrLTv
That could be a day out ride to Snell's / Motorapido and the said mentioned dealer,plus a coffee in Winchester.
https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C1246508 Not on Ebay, but prices for 750SS's are obvoiusly a lot higher than I thought !
By Goat... £120K for one of these!! from the same seller. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?i...1e008:g:frUAAOSw~6FcrLTv&_ssn=plane_01&_sop=3 They've a few million quids worth for sale. Number 17 was on/off Auto Trader for under £20K for years.
I used to have a 1981 650 Kat and i loved it but there where the like that weren't to keen on the looks and for a shaft drive she went well, i wish i had kept it but was in a bit of financial fuck up at the time, life goes on
Apparently very collectable these days,shaft driven and rubber bands for a cleaner rear drive train is the way to go as my wheels are looking shite these days with chainlube everywhere.What are you using out of interest that doesn't fly off.
I lightly put Rock oil chain lube that i must admit is crap hence lightly but have heard that XCP professional is really good, i just haven't got round to buying any. https://www.thesafetysupplycompany....dHCihxaF6w1bTp_NsnK1y3iff_KpfHfBoCIC4QAvD_BwE
It’s not the first one and it’s not a prototype - check out the early promo shots - the prototypes had no join in the fairing near the bars as below...
Lovely i need to try something different as my patiences are wearing very thin these days, i was going to start a thread on final drive lubing,questions like when do you apply the lube,before you go out on a ride or when you come back with a hot chain etc,but can't be arsed.