nah! no point doing anything. to much hassle life's much easier from an arm chair. come to think of it that was a lyric from a queen song called drowse, gonna put that compilation together.
If you want to use electric energy to electrolyse water and produce hydrogen, the principle is simple enough but the practicalities of doing it on a commercial scale are a matter of engineering. It seems the scientists in Glasgow have developed an engineering solution which improves the practicalities. Fine - congratulations to them. That does not alter the fundamental point that you have to put energy in first, and the energy you get out later is not more than the input. The quoted scientist claims to have improved the process, not to have violated physical laws. No-one has claimed to be able to produce energy out of nothing.
In a short-term sense, yes. But actually the whole world is awash with energy, vastly more than mankind could ever use. Sunshine, rain, wind, waves, tides, geothermal, fossils, the biosphere, and fissionable minerals are all extremely plentiful. Accessing that energy and converting it into a form we can use is a matter of engineering expertise, economic investment, and political will. There is no ultimate energy shortage.
There is an ultimate energy shortage of energy we can access. Easily. I agree that we are awash with it. But my Ducati runs on fossilised sunshine and I want to use it now.
Wave and wind is fine as long as the intrinsic energy equation is balanced. No point building a turbine in the foundries of the far east then shipping the fucker by sea to the Scottish Coast.
far east? campbeltown. argyll. the amount of people i know that work on them would surprise you. thats it i am away home to be continued.
Caught the end of a program on radio 4 today. Some bloke parted £100,000 on an electric car and after one year the battery had lost 20% of it life! Seems more research is needed.
God's bloody teeth, the energy problem revolves around people sat in their sodding cars all sodding day. I have to do it, many thousands of other people have to do it. I have to drive to Scotland to do work while some Jockistani is driving to Surrey to do his work. How the fuck does that work..?
We have been here before Pete. The easy hanging energy fruit has been picked. Efficiency increases, whilst worthwhile, suffer from the law of diminishing returns. Renewables are expensive and will remain so. Energy will never be as cheap and plentiful as it is now without a fundamental shift in technology such as fusion. This will shape the future world more than anything else IMHO.
Don't know if you guys had seen these cropping up in all the Mway services but an interesting thing that I wasn't aware of was that it costs absolutely nothing zilch nada to charge your vehicle (well £10 a year for a card) apparently our gas guzzlers fuel duty funds this !!