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Embarrassing confessions

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 1037sps, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. i think the clue was in the name, :tongue:
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  2. Twice!!! Oh Christ!
  3. When I picked up my first bike I was nervous as hell, so figured I'd get in nice and early that Saturday morning before it got too busy. Anyway, that didn't quite happen and the place was packed when I went to leave.....got myself sorted, thought to myself "please don't f*&k this up", started it up, into gear and....it died. I did that twice more before I realised the kick stand was down and then just for good measured actually stalled it. I just wished the ground would open up....

    Next worse was probably sitting on the side of the road just after I wrote that first bike off with 2 old grannies I'd almost hit head on giving me the good cop/bad cop routine. :rolleyes:
  4. I rode an 883 Sportster.
    Years ago embarrassing and crap Nuff said
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  5. I was blatting around town on a mates Yellow tank Yam TT500, dropped it into a corner, Oh Fuck!!! wasn't a 90deg corner , but about 135deg's, I hit the kerb and high-sided onto someone's front lawn, I panicked as they were coming out to investigate, I struggled to pick it up, it was still running, dropped clutch and snaked away off their lawn, narrowly missing their mailbox, their car, and bloody near falling off again.
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  6. I've too many too mention :frown:
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  7. I built a Kawasaki KR1s from scratch as my mates all own one. After a winter build we finally got together and went out. I had been sensible and decided to leave the front brake caliper bolts finger tight and torque them to the correct specification before taking her out. During a 60mph overtake downhill on Saddleworth moor, I heard a bang followed by the lack of any braking. The bolts had fallen out and the front caliper was dangling on the hose. 2 Miles later I finally managed to stop. I was very lucky.
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  8. i am a walking talking embarrassment to my kids.
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  9. I holed a piston on my NSR 125 running it on a 50/50 mix of petrol and octane booster so i'd beat my mates Aprilia 125. Went well before the bang though
    #29 Force-v4, Dec 9, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
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  10. yeah right - nearly had me there :rolleyes:
  11. Holed a piston more like sorry
  12. I nearly bought a GS.....
  13. once made an arse of oneself
    friend talking away to me as i was in a hurry ended up pulling away with fairly large chain and padlock still through the back wheel
    ahh well not as if it was outside a pub with loads of hairy arsed bikers about lol

    bollocks yes it was............ well got a big cheer felt a right twat :biggrin:
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  14. Trap 1 and 2?
  15. I remember a pal showing off his new Moto Guzzi. Blipping the throttle stood to the right of the bike and making me all jealous, when the rocking motion took enough weight off the suicide stand and the whole lot fell over pulling him with it.
    Oh i laughed until we tried lifting the thing.

    Had a mate with a broken left arm trying to do a burn out on my courtesy DR650. Outside the pub, load of cars stopped at a red light, full throttle and with a massive grin. Then he noticed it wasn't in gear. Stomping on the lever the front wheel leapt into the air, dragging him on his knees down the pavement towards a bus shelter while all the cars tooted. When he let go and fell in a heap he told me as soon as the bike moved he went for the clutch, but due to the thickness of his cast could only brush the back of the lever. He then spent all the next morning t-cutting the number plate, fitting the number plate light and a new indicator which was all the damage. The best bit too is his name, GORDON BENNET. I kid you not. Should anyone know him from the Birmingham area just remind of that day outside the BILL & BULL pub.
  16. Once rebuilt a Triumph Bonneville after keeping lots of parts under the bed over winter. My mate came back from a night on the razzle in the morning and admired it, then we set about getting it going. I had left the kick start in the bedroom, so he pushed and I knocked it into gear - nothing?
    Pushed it again, faster this time, knocked it into gear - nothing?
    Forgot to put the chain on !
  17. You wouldn't be the first. A traveling marshal at the TT who shall remain nameless (Keith Trubshaw) did the same thing. Got from Douglas to Ballacraine!
  18. Mmmm I half filled my SS with diesel ( I thought it was a cheap fill ) ..... lots of smoke and horrible noises , pushed it home ( why is it that every body in the world you know sees you when your pushing your bike ) , believing Id had a major engine failure , started to strip engine , mindful of an odd smell, I had just removed the rear head when the Mrs pokes her head into the garage and says " why can I smell diesel "..........Bless her:mad:
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