1260 Emm 2020

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Twin4me, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Peter and I have booked onto the Eurotunnel for Friday 12th June leaving at 10:06am and riding to our first stopover which is likely to be Tours. If anyone would like to join us please feel free. When we have agreed hotels etc I'll put on here where we are staying and anyone will be welcome to join us at any stage.
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  2. Great stuff. Good luck getting into, out of and around Tours.
    When I last tried to traverse Tours, heading south I found it such an awful town to try to figure out and stay on track.
    But then, as I'm an incredible sat-nag user, it was more than likely 'operator error' :eyes:
    Myself and Steve123 + Steve Keffs, are all set to travel via Plymouth Santander on the 7th/8th and really looking forward to the trip. We've extended it this time around to between 15-17 days in total, so something of a marathon.:beer::innocent:
    Look forward to meeting with you & of course Uncle P.
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  3. Late start then!
    Only joking but I love an early start and he always moans at me.
    PS You have to buy his coffee and breakfast bun as he usually arrives at the last minute :)
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  4. You're right Twin4me, it is a later start than I usually have but then as I get older I realise there's no rush and I enjoy it more (too philosophical I know ;)).
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Do you have to register or anything to join. Fancied Spain/Portugal with the Mrs in tow this summer but not sure of dates yet due to work, also I'm reading ferry crossings booked up???
  6. Here is a link to the registration page. https://www.motoroutes.net/emm2020/form/148-Registration

    you need to register if you want to attend and stay at the hotel. If you wanted to just join the rides then I’m sure you would be welcome but they need to have numbers for lunches etc.

    I think the ferries are booked for the dates nearest to the event but if you have a bit more time you may still be able to find some crossings.

    It’s always a good event and you could make it part of the trip if the dates worked for you
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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