Good luck Matt, we may see you round some of the usual bike haunts in the south hopefully. Hope all that power doesn't go to ET's head oh crap it already has he has already closed a thread and only been in charge 5 minutes. Bet he has pictures of the fallen maddona with the big boobies hiding somewhere and stacks of loot.
El T, are you over your paddy yet as I keep confusing myself with my avatar and wondering who the unbelievably grounded individual is writing such prose with the fallen matador piccie
Actually I'm not. I'm still massively pissed off about the whole situation. And to add fuel to the fire I had a sheepish email this morning from the person involved trying to be friendly because the they know they have fucked up and upset me. It doesn't wash with me
Well that's me all done for the time being. Thanks for your support over the last two years and I'll still be on hand if needed. @El Toro, its over to you
the king is dead. long live the king. see, i never really understood that quote. or agree with it.:Angelic::smile: