Geographically, Derbyshire is the heart of the UK and the weather is not that great here, why not have a ride up and see how the other half live?
I sometimes feel like I'm stood on a little rock, just slightly out to sea. The waves are crashing around me and no matter how loudly I shout, no one hears me.
It must be winter, the bike took bloody ages to start today.....still managed an hour out and weather looks OK for next week.
Had a cracking long blast on mine yesterday and again today. Would have been longer only I forgot the clocks had gone back and I should have gone out earlier. I'll carry on riding on any dry day until the frosts arrive and they salt the roads. Then the bike goes up to Louigi for its winter holiday. If its not frosty its not that cold. Nothing a thicker jumper can't fix.
Sat was almost spoilt by plod.....PHEW! ! Sun was a run to helmsley. ..saw a group of multisradas ' parked up with a ducati streetfighter. See more ducatis now when im out than rice burners lol.