engine blown

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by chris bourner, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. well my line of thought was to buy a old fazer 1000 to use while getting all this sorted........but the thought of going back to an average bike plus the buying, selling &swapping insurance etc well to be honest It just didn't feel right if you know what I mean, don't get me wrong I like the fazer i've had three. so I decided to spend the money to get the mutley back on road sooner rather than later then sort the other engine as an when.

    if they don't sort anything im on the road, if they decide to strip the engine im still on the road win win, as Drdaveboy points out i'll av a engine to sell. but the best thing about all this is (yeah it's cost me money) I feel good/exited like im waiting to pick up my new bike......happy bunny! I heard from a few people including a mechanic at my local Honda dealers that " Ducati john" is the man! so got a good feeling at the moment. :D

    p.s I do miss my mutley soooo much (sad I know)
    #141 chris bourner, Mar 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2014
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  2. Agree with Damo, I'd be having them strip it and fighting for it to be done by Ducati
  3. money is an issue! but it could cost the same to be back at square one so hey oh! ive just sold another bike to help THE WIFE get over it LOL
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  4. Posts like this and so many on here are really making me consider looking for another bike, I swore never to buy another Ducati after the issues with my Hypermotard, it was high mileage when I bought it though 317!! then to break down at 322 was taking the piss.

    good luck mate, I think I'll be test riding the new S1000r.
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  5. Probably wise, BMW's never break down............;)
  6. Kawasaki keyses, thats what you want. All the tricks and gizmos and wont let you down. Other than is just plain trainspotting boring...but it wont break down ;)
  7. If you mean the Versys, don't get one, the most uninteresting bike I have ever owned. No passion or heart about it, it's like the Ford Mondeo of the bike world. Gets you places you want to be, but yawn inducing in the extreme.
    Just traded my 2012 650 Versys for the MS.
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  8. That interesting I couldn't even get the name right ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. i had a versys 1000 actually go pretty well and are fairly comfortable but yes its a little bit lifeless
  10. Just been talking about it with a mate, he said get shut once it's running ASAP but I can't think what I'd replace it with so we'll see how it goes.
  11. Simple, replace it with another one, new and in warranty ;)
  12. Congrats Chris, did you win the eBay one I pointed out? If So god I hope it's ok rofl. I felt bad enough reading your first post lol.
    Fingers x all goes well.
  13. I've got to admit, I took mine out today with the new exhaust on, I rode up the coast of Cumbria. What a bike I'm still smiling now, I hate all the issues the bike has but when there running right nothing can touch it, I cant think of any thing that I would replace it with.
  14. I think this all needs putting back in to perspective though.

    I mean the multistrada has some owners who've had problems, but literally 1000's who have not.

    It's no different to loads of other makes really unless you start looking at jap stuff.

    For instance I'm a massive fan of the Tuono v4 and have recently been seriously considering a new one, but even so a chap over on the aprilia forum had a brand new 2014, rode 128 miles and the engine blew up. That hasn't put me off though, only the mrs wanting to ride pillion has...and I'm working on that.

    It doesn't stop there though, again on the naked front I've been looking at the new s1000r as its a great ride, but take a look at when the first s1000RR was launched, you'll find 100's of reports about gearboxes, quick shifters, switch gear.... Loads of failings, does that mean they've figured it all out and the new s1000r naked will be gremlin free? It might, but it might not, maybe year two of its life perhaps but either way it's still risk.

    I think at some point everybody has a 'shitter', but in your case Chris I'd hope this ones now put behind you.

    My bike (multi) is out of warranty very soon but the one very good thing about it is that I've had literally loads of warranty/recall work done and even on the smallest little things, the bike has more new parts on it than old :)

    My point is if you catch it all early you a should reduce anything in the future.
  15. I'd also like to point out that IF I was unlucky enough to have this happen to me I wouldn't be out of pocket I assure you.

    I may be off the road for a bit while the politics plays out but my bike has been serviced well in accordance with the Ducati policy, as such I don't give a monkeys if the 2 year lapses, I'd simply do what I suggested further back in this thread and get Ducati UK & my preferred service centre (cornerspeed) round a table and agree on terms. Facts are that if serviced correctly and within time a bike should easily continue to run well over and above 2 years and then some without manufacturing faults.

    ducati still have to abide by law and provide a reasonable product, that's gives you roughly 6 years of pretty easy come back if you're smart and have covered yourself accordingly, even ducati can't argue against that.


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  16. And under EU law, if it was purchased from a dealer then that dealer must guarantee it for a minimum of 1 year.
  17. "I may be off the road for a bit while the politics plays out"
    and how longs a bit ??? a week, a month , a year ..........who knows how long it could go on for ?? meanwhile Chris has no bike .

    You are saying that you have 6 years of redress with a product , go to tell that to all the audi/vw diesel owners with blown turbos and knocked out cranks due to the 5mm allen key driven oil pump drive failing ..........what does VAG group say ....." out of warranty peroid " tough deal with it ........hey hang on .....doesnt audi group own Ducati now ............
    #157 mechcanico lee, Mar 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2014
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  18. i know what your saying, people ask me all the time about recommending cars to them, which i generally dont like doing. the only ones i see are the broken ones. i only really recommend fiat and alfa due to my experience with them and the likely hood of having to visit a dealership is greatly reduced if a problem arises. saying that i still wouldn't touch a German car if out of warranty..
  19. Well it's gone to menders! Should be back in a few days :) I'll email ducati UK and see if they are willing/want to strip the old engine, the chap that's putting my engine in said he'd strip it but that wouldn't solve anything other than my own curiosity.
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  20. I'm simply saying what I would do, as that is exactly the route I'd be taking should I ever be in the unfortunate event that chris has found himself in.

    There's nothing particulary wrong with how he's handling it but if put in the same position I'd just do it differently that's all.

    The sales of goods act is there to protect buyers from things such as this, unless it's ever called upon then of course nothing will ever happen.

    I'm not saying you'd get anywhere just spouting the act per se, you may well need to get a solicitor to look at the case but even still it's what I would do if faced with similar circumstances , otherwise what is it there for.

    Anyway, Chris is happy (sort of) with getting a new engine and following things up the way he is and that's all that matters, I'm simply saying that it may not be any different with another manufacturer.

    It's easy for me to sit here saying this as it's not happened to me, but I'm also one for not backing down and if it means involving the law against a big company then so be it, I'd rather do that then myself be out of pocket.

    Glad to hear things are getting sorted though chris but just don't give up on the claim against Ducati.
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