I meant to type psychrometer but we also had a barometer to measure the atmos pressure, both of which have bearing on the mixture.......... .........it has always been a known fact that the mixture richens when it is misty/foggy/raining.
WOW! What a beast, only 81.47 horses at wheel but by 'eck she pulls. All useable power loads smoother. Its running on the Kukosans. Gonna take her back in to get the Ignitech sorted when hes done a little reading up. I was pretty accurate with the jets, He didnt change them.
Great news It's not just a matter of how many horses but where they are and how usable they are... What did he change??
He has messed with the accelrator pump and the fuel screws, It doesnt hang and feels so much better. He played with the Ignitech but says its best if I take it back as he couldnt get to grips with it during the time he had. Even on the standard black boxes its great.
Correction, not so happy as I was.... So the fuelling throughout the range is awesome and I wouldn't change it......apart from idle. Its still pulls like a train and I am so happy with it everywhere else, but when I shut the throttle it still hangs about 2K then slowly comes down. I dunno if he wouldve noticed on a dyno as it has been doing it out on the road today with me. Im gonna try 2 sizes up on the slow fuel as I have read others having the same lean idle issues, surging, searching and general unhappiness at staying level. Will so check for vacuum leaks too.
The tickover screw/s........or are you saying FCRs don't have them? In which case, slacken the throttle cable a bit. Failing either of the above, try the pilot screws.......1/4 turn either way to see if it helps.
Have you checked the settings on the slow air screws (as opposed to fuel screws)? Sent from my XT890 using Tapatalk
On the Keihins, there are..... Slow air jets Slow fuel jets Main air Main fuel Air/fuel mixture Idle screw (1) which is why its such a PITA