Does any one else remember the RR Merlin engined "The Beast" from the early 1970's I remember being fascinated with it The Beast: 27 liters of Rolls Royce power | AutoMinded
Yes, I remember it very well, I saw it at few custom car type shows over the years. I also remember it appearing in I think Custom Car magazine at one time.
Errr... No they aren't... There are two airworthy Lightnings in South Africa - they are programmed to do a few air displays this year. There is one Lighting in America which is nearing the end of a full restoration to airworthiness - hopefully that one will be flying this year. None of them will be allowed to fly in the UK due to restrictions. "Flypast" magazine had quite a lot of information on them last month.
No, although Ratty doesn't mind being felt, although Moley and Toad don't like it; but I expect they will have to complain.
Remember reading about Dodd's Beast in Motor magazine a looooong time ago and there was an article in the Sunday Times (I think) quite recently on it. I remember that Motor stated it was not a Merlin but a Meteor tank engine. The Meteor was a softer tuned Merlin which RR developed to put into tanks as at the time our tanks were running woeful Liberty engines, which was designed just after WWI the irony was the Liberty was a redesign of the Eagle RR's first aircraft engine. RR Heritage has a book about the Meteor and its a good read if your an engineering/engine geek. It turned in the other direction than the Merlin and didn't have a supercharger. Often Merlin components which did not meet spec were then used in the Meteor and also damaged or refurbished Merlin parts no longer in spec were then used to build new Meteors. The appalling thing in the book is RR designed and built them for zero profit and had to virtually beg the tank commission to even accept trials of it. When they did it was like having a sports car tank. A guy who bought my Guzzi Daytona from me (to go towards my 1098) also built a Merlin car from 2 ex Hurricane engines. Photo below, it took him a very very very long time
Try looking again............I'll help you if you are struggling with your white stick.......... Two posts ahead of mine...........and then another five posts ahead............ Perhaps you were just too ready to knock someone, but if I were you, make an appointment at the opticians.
Just admit it...................You messed up, didn't you? And before you try coming back with something else, there is something you ought to be aware of.