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err, thats not really ideal

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by mattmccabebrown, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. this is what I've realised and accepted. One day I will come off. Weather it be on track(hopefully) or on the road. More likely on track as that's where I push it. Hence why I've started stocking spares and got track fairings. If I see anything going cheap I buy it. I might need it one day, or someone else might.
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  2. Oh no Matt thats not good at all :(
  3. Thanks dude, yep in the int/adv group. Yes a high risk manoeuvre as Ive sadly pointed out. I'll get it fixed, love the bike too much not to :smile:

    You're right Pete, he had no idea I was there and nor should he have needed to. I guess it was the unpredictable nature of it I guess. Adrenaline rush? I was f-ing bricking it :tongue:
  4. ah, liquid adrenaline!
  5. Sorry to hear this, glad your ok though, sure the bike will be in time also
  6. Probably the main factor which makes me a reluctant track dayer. Very sorry to hear about your off. Hope you get the bike and yourself 100% again soon.
  7. Pleased to see you're okay Matt. Dented pride for sure but it can be fixed. God, sound like my Dad...
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  8. Sorry to hear of your off. Had a similar experience a few tears ago at Silverstone. A dickhead who had already been warned about his riding practically T-boned me at Copse. He was simply going way too fast for the corner, and was utterly riding above his abilities. If it wasn't for the later to be diagnosed fractured wrist, I would have clomped the twat, but guess I would have been more in the wrong then... Cost me nearly 2k to repair the bike... :frown: Anyway, hope you and the bike recover soon...
  9. Feel your pain matt. Always goes thru my head when I do track days. Tend to be cautious about overtakes on track as I don't trust what others are likely to do,especially strangers, so tend to crack on when I have room, but am cautious about others.not trying to be wise after the event but its usually things like that that have you off as opposed to riding beyond your ability,which generally we tend to leave to the nutters.you'll sort it mate.
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  10. Always a shame when reading of something like this, but at least your ok. Looking back it can be a bit ' what if' , but its happened so now work on fixing.......

    thread moving to a 'builds and projects' sub- forum near you soon......

    sorry, could not resist!

    chin up!.

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  11. I'd buy some road panels and make it rideable on the road. Then get some of the good 'gravel rashed' panels re-painted for track use and make sure that you have a spare set of everything thats needed to have a track set and a road set of panels. IE Tail piece, old levers, belly pan, nose fairings and side fairings. I realise his requires a small amount of investment, but good in the long run.

    Not really keen on Track days normally. Seen 1 or 2 friends throw lots of money away in crashes. 1 friend bought a new frame from Pierobon and a repair to a 1098R, not much change from £20K I believe. So you seem to have got away reasonably well, just mainly cosmetics , panels etc.

    The footrest can be repaired if its slightly out, but get it done professionally so the paint doesn't crack when they warm it up.
    #31 samieb, Jun 13, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2013
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  12. Bad luck Matt. Gutted for you but glad you're ok...
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  13. Cool! You get to buy carbon bodywork or get it race painted and buy loads of the bits i'm sure you wanted but couldn't justify before. You've got to look on the plus side of crash like that, being thankful that you're still fit enough to work and pay for it.
    It's tragic to see such a nice bike a bit scratched, and it is quite minor really, but i'd say you were doing the polite option of going round the outside and it's just a shame that doing that is also the most dangerous for the very reason you found.
    I feel for you, and hope you recover quickly and get the bike fixed soon to you can love it again. Stay safe and while i can't be seen to recommend it, emptying the gravel out, a polish and a little road accident could get the insurance company to pay you some of the money they take so quickly.
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  14. Sorry to hear of your woes. If you were passing him several times and saw he should of been in the novices, why didn't you bring him to the attention of the td organiser?
  15. TD organiser should have spotted if he was in the incorrect group anyway...
  16. Yeah, that happens all the time. :rolleyes: Obviously they didn't. Worst thing you can do, is go round the outside of a novice rider.
  17. True. Problem was it was one of the Bike reclaim days, so there were riders who thought they should be in the top group when they were barely good enough to leave the novice group. Pop those in with some proper fast guys on a tiny track and well, it could get ugly. I dont think i'll be doing anymore of the reclaim days, sticking to the normal format. Those who know me and have seen me on track know that i'm not bad by any means, not really fast more quick, but this is making me re-evaluate my track riding
  18. The testosterone thing kicks in doesn't it. People think they are faster than they actually are. And I include myself in that statement.

    I ride briskly (lets put it) on the roads but if I was to do a reclaim/track day I would most certainly go in the novice/slow group, to start with at least, until I found my feet. Thats if I ever found my feet.

    But the instructors also have a "duty of care" and if they see someone is not in the right group then they should stop them and put them in the correct group.
  19. Saw this on your blog mate, really sorry to hear about your off. :frown:

    It's horrible when this sort of thing happens. You'll get the bike sorted out in time, whether that's temporarily soon or fully later on, but you'll get it sorted. In the meantime try and heal yourself and keep an eye out for parts.

  20. Bad news Matey.

    To be honest this is probably 90% of the reason I stopped after doing a few trackdays. There were so many unpredicable riders around it scared the living daylights out of me. I am not the fastest rider in the world although I did enjoy the 3 tracks I did: Brands, Rockingham and Silverstone....

    In fact the last one was on my new (to me) 1098S at the new Silverstone track. This guy on an R1 nearly crashed into me 3 times on one lap each time flying past and going over the grass. Strangely enough never saw him again after that lap. Not sure if he was pulled in by the TD organisers or whether he just gave up!
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