Eu Ban On Classic Bikes?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Nostromo, Apr 30, 2024.

  1. I think we all lost :joy:
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  2. Indeed. Or at least 99.9% of us lost.

    The only winners are the ones still keeping their hidden assets in offshore tax havens.
  3. "Brexit certainly won us more immigration. That was the plan, right?"
    The french give their economic migrants nothing.
    Britain gives them everything - so they will pay £10k to get here. Government problem again - give them nothing. But all the lawyers and hangers on won't make an absolute killing on legal aid .
    And guess what 40% of MPs from both sides worked in the legal game ! Mates and chums.
    I voted to leave because of the chronic reporting by the Brussels Broadcasting Communists , the EUseless funding the remoan vote , and how Britain paid a lot in and got very little back.
    Of course our EUrinal.loving MPs stopped any thought of actually leaving !
    Also the constant move to the EUseless becoming a country , ran by germans with their track record.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Not brainwashed by the public school elite or Russian funded Leave campaign in anyway then.
    Good luck when wanting affordable healthcare, a functioning infrastructure, hotels and restaurants , police security, social care etc etc in future years.
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  5. Two general elections since the Brexit vote - eight years ago - so it's not like there's been an enormous correction in the makeup of MPs since then is it? Of course, in the pandemic it was British MPs rather than european MEPs that got awarded the contracts for non-existent PPE, so at least we managed to take back control of that, eh.

    As long as people are caught up in these minor issues they are distracted from the real mess our country is in. Travel to any major western country in the world and you'll see how well we are doing compared to them. Still, I've got a nice blue passport now so I suppose it was all worthwhile.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. It's good to hear some people believe in fairy tales .....
  7. So did voting brexit ban old bikes? Sorry, confused …. :confused:
  8. I thought for a minute there we were going to have a proper debate! Over promising and underdelivering, a familiar notion for some :)
  10. This!
    Travel to Europe and they still have functioning infrastructure - bins are emptied on time, tax systems work, police still are law and order and not someone to mess with, trains run at 200+mph, airports have enough staff to ensure they run efficiently, roads are not rammed with traffic one every single major road and are policed, you can see a doctor the same or next day, no massive hospital waiting lists... the list is endless and seeing how far we are falling behind is becoming more stark every year.
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  11. Yes. The EU are cvnts, remember. With their bent bananas and everything.
  12. I see the radicalisation of the UK is complete.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. By not liking the EUrinal ?

    Lol - pathetic emoji-
    why do you like the EUseless ?
    Would you trust a german EU army ?
    Democracy doesn't exist in the eu politics, the bEUrocrats , decide what they want to ban ( like chrome plating) then the assembly passes the law , or doesn't.
    Then 5 years later the same bEUrocrats , re submit for approval ( it won't have any changes ) and it gets passed.
    Look at 'water based paint' more poisonous than what preceeded it ( and only lasts a few years ).
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. I'm ambivalent towards the EU.
    Like a used car deal, you get the best out of it that you can. You may hate the salesperson, but they've got the exact car you want: price, colour and spec and they're five miles from home.
    If you don't buy this car, you know you won't find another deal like it. You'll be reliant on lifts or walking.
    So, through gritted teeth, you buy the car and come away with the best outcome for your situation.

    I mean, who wants to be reliant on lifts?
  15. I'm calling bollox on the old bike/car ban, even in the EU and certainly here.

    At least I hope not because of my 5 vehicles, 4 of them (including all my bikes) are well over 15yrs old. :confused:
  16. Oh, so I can’t lick paint safely anymore? You’ve completely changed my mind. I’m going down to Dover right now to stand facing southward, blue passport in my left hand while I make my right hand into a fist and wave it at ‘ze Germans’.

    I don’t like the EU either, it was a corrupt rigged system that was far from perfect. What we should have done was use the referendum result as a catalyst to reform - there’s plenty of that sentiment around Europe. Instead we ran away from the fight - quite the opposite to that Britain of the 1940s you allude to. You don’t have any more control now than you did in 2019, you’ve just passed it to a different set of gatekeepers who’ve hollowed the country out for themselves while the media keeps you angry and scared.
    • Like Like x 4
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Not quite. But it’s well under way ;) Doesn’t seem too interested in recycling and net zero :laughing:

  18. Geebeebies?
    Have a word with yourself.
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