As i said earlier, the easiest way to halt global warming is to limit everyones movement by anything other than walking or riding a bicycle/horse/donkey and set limits to how much any company and individual can use fossil-fuelled energy. Dont see any proposals for that happening. What they agree to is a another way to tax the masses, so that Google/facebook/Apple/McDonalds dont have to pay any tax and the very wealthiest can get wealthier still.
Here is what Christopher Booker, a well known sceptic it has to be said, has to say about Paris. Note that science really doesn't enter into it, it is all about politics and economics, and the level of manmade CO2 in our atmosphere will continue to rise for some time before it begins to drop let alone reduce from todays level. At the Paris climate summit, panic over global warming finally collided with reality - Telegraph It is worth quoting the final paragraph So Paris does indeed mark a historic turning point. It is the moment when the political panic over climate change finally begins to collide with inescapable realities. However much President Obama and the EU may still want to commit economic suicide by abandoning those fossil fuels which alone make modern civilisation possible, the rest of the world just isn’t going to follow. And this leaves us in the West in a very odd position.
One strategy Renewable Energy After COP21: Nine issues for climate leaders to think about on the journey home Post Carbon Institute
"Heavy trucks could run on fuel cells, but it would be better to minimize trucking by expanding freight rail" Huh? So transport powered by fuel cells emitting nothing else but pure H2o is still not good enough? Jeesus they don't want much do they...
I think they are coming from a fairly radical perspective where we transition to a world which uses much less energy and looks very different from today. How realistic or achievable it is I don't know, but it is an interesting read.
Teams of truck drivers pulling loads on sleds? I think that's the future! whir*CRACK! whir*CRACK Yah!
Really, if the alarmists want to send us back to the preindustrial days, we can do so with a sustainable, self renewing, harvested energy source: whale oil.
Thing is,John,that if these people don't accept a vehicle that emits nothing but pure water,it's unlikely that they'll accept the use of any road vehicle at all. It is one thing to campaign for a cleaner environment,but this smacks of something entirely different
When the world has had enough of us all then it will swallow us up spit us out lay dormant for a while and re start with a new era No one will have any say apart from those on Mars
and until then, earth can suck on my 1198cc's of polluting termi exhaust. breathe deep earth, breathe deep..... :Cigar:
Water vapour is a dangerous greenhouse gas itself. It creates the feedback loop that will send us all to Hell. Or so the theory goes. Any greenie that advocates Hydrogen fuel is a hypocrite.