Climate change is fact. Why it is changing is extremely complex. Some parts of the earth will get warmer and some will get cooler. To get an average temperature requires statistical analysis to account for all manner of variables. Which statistical method you chose will affect the results. Cue the Hockey Stick, incontrovertible truth or an artefact of the statistical method, I don't know, but the original hockey stick failed to show the Medieval Warm Period or the Little Ice Age. But lets not get bogged down in detail. I have no doubt that most scientists are honourable people beavering away in their chosen little niche. I am sceptical in relation to the computer modellers, and the bigger picture, because they have consistently got it wrong. I do think the IPCC has an agenda and the politicians have chosen to run with it for the reasons I have implied and I have no doubt that some have grown rich through business links, several prominent politicians in the UK spring to mind who have been promoting "green" policies whilst investing in "green" companies. I don't think there is any conspiracy, it is just an idea that has gained more traction than it deserves for a variety of reasons. Climate change is no longer just a science, it has become a religion.
i cant say for sure but northern Brittan is leading sorry was leading the way with carbon capture and renewable energy until the plug was pulled. must be true i have read it often enough, even from the bbc. why is the plug being pulled.?
Did big oil get "An Inconvenient Truth[sic]" shown in UK primary schools as part of the National Curriculum ? IMHO it was a disgraceful propaganda film worthy of Goebbels. Delegates from the developing nations do want to continue using dirty energy sources but they also want billions in cash incentives to not use dirty energy and seek commercial advantage as a consequence. Do you believe we are on the brink of climatic catastrophe as a result of manmade CO2 emissions (let's ignore water vapour and methane for now) and if so what do you think we ought to do about it ? Are you prepared to see your standard of living fall to mitigate this risk ?
In the short to medium term green energy is increasing costs not reducing them, in the longer term who knows but I want nuclear. If the jet stream is going to permanently reposition itself over the UK for the summers as well as the winters I am coming to live with you in Switzerland.
how much is nuclear going to cost us? and on the brink of a breakthrough we cut funding? clever. nope.
Perhaps you know of a model that has made accurate predictions of climate without taking C02 into account? Got a source for that graph you posted, I'd like to check its accuracy because it doesn't tally with what I've read about models?
Why would any model exclude CO2 ? CO2 lags temperature - what does it mean? is where the graph was taken from. In what way doesn't it tally with what you have read ? An increase in CO2 will trap more energy in the atmosphere and cause a subsequent increase in temperature. An increase in temperature will release dissolved gasses, including CO2, from the oceans. This is basic physics. There are many other factors in play however, including other greenhouse gasses.
We are always on the brink of a breakthrough How much is the lights going off going to cost us ? As it is when the wind doesn't blow and the electricity grid is stretched to capacity we pay industrial users of electricity to shut down to keep domestic supplies going.
Aaah the idiocy known as, "Climate Change": you should note that the term, "Global Warming" went out of fashion as soon as it was shown that the climate is just as likely to cool as it is to warm. There is no Global consensus on this issue.Thousands of scientists refuse to acknowledge the terms,but Governments have chosen to fund the propagation of the belief,and ignore those who say it is impossible to prove either way . Millions of years ago,there was a land bridge between this island and the Netherlands.Sea levels rose,and now what there was is no more.There was no one to blame back then for it,no doubt those tribes living on it just got up and settled themselves elsewhere In the 11th century,Iceland was settled by Irish religious groups,who grew crops in rich and fertile land.Iceland is pretty much barren now as far as agriculture goes,with farms just about clinging to small areas near the coast.Natural climate changes caused these changes,not humanity,not anybody. There are many scientists who state categorically that based on historical evidence,(that is real,measurable evidence,not computer predictions.),that the climate is about to enter a cooling phase similar to the last mini-ice age. Why have Governments jumped on the bandwagon?.Opportunities to tax their citizens,cow the population by instilling yet another terror into them,justify the untold billions they have given away...I don't know. But not one of them is going to be brave enough to stand up to this Fascism,and state anything different,not in a million years. Now as it happens I am all in favour of burning less fossil fuels,but not for Climate Change reasons. In my opinion it should all be about resource management,but there are no tax raising opportunities in getting people to look after older vehicles/domestic appliances/clothes whatever,and stop buying new stuff. The world's economies rely on all of us buying STUFF...most of it we don't need,or that doesn't need replacing. I mean,how many of us on here have actually ever worn out their bike,any bike,until it literally cannot be fixed or repaired at all? With enough effort,anything can be kept going...if it doesn't rot away,it can be repaired.But we don't,and neither does the most ardent,hair shirted environmental protestor. If these politicos are so convinced that it's all happening,why not ban air travel? Obama has polluted the atmosphere on this one trip to Paris in Air Force One than I will have done in my whole lifetime,INCLUDING my truck fleet...but Climate Change didn't stop him making the trip did it? What happened to video-conferencing,eh? I don't believe in conspiracy theories,but I'm certain the wealthy wouldn't mind if airports and airspace were just a teensy bit less crowded than they are now...ditto the roads..let the lower classes take the buses and trains,like the old days,eh? Have a real good look at how much Al Gore is making out of Climate Change.. Imho,"it's all about the money".
yip. glid posted a good video a while back about predicted population growth. left me feeling quite confident about the future.
Resistance to antibiotics will be natures way of dealing with overpopulation. And maybe another World war,if Russia keeps poking it's nose into other countries.Putin doesn't come across to me as a man who has much patience,he'll lose his cool and drop something on Turkey or summat and it'll probably kick off in big style. Either way,Mother Nature has a way of dealing with these things
again, i agree. i dont doubt for a minute the planet will survive. just kind of like the idea of not having to fight for the last tin of beans in tesco.