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Euro Track Days & Ata Carnet Fun !

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by funkatronic, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. this used to be an issue in the early 2000s when I first started to go to Poland, and the CZ Buno etc, it would get very complicated on the border crossings, and to be honest we used to bribe our way to Panoninaring and back as noone new the process.. I remember getting held up in the middle of the night with guards with AK47s crossing into Slovakia .. we just paid the 'fine' in cash.. i can guess this will shake itself out in the following months as it gains more traction due to increased travel... i hope..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. I'm sure it'll all calm down when the toys are back in the pram. The question is when... How much are UK track days being hiked by?
  3. Apologies for a possible thread hijack but...
    I have enjoyed many family holidays in France & Italy where we have driven down & taken a bike in a trailer so I could enjoy some me time on fabulous roads. Everything was packed in the trailer, bike gear & family stuff. Does this now mean I would have to apply for a carnet for my bike & all associated gubbins?
    Does this also apply to European road trips in a single vehicle? In 2019 we drove wifey's MX5 from Spain through France, Italy, Austria, Germany & Holland. Loads of form-filling & customs checks would have buggered the job up significantly.
  4. i received an email this week from the ACU explaining the need for a carnet & the process

    its looking like the best option if you want to avoid a Carnet is to have the bike in road legal trim and get green card insurance, not much use for a track only bike tho.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. It sounds like you're fine in your own vehicle, the issue is if you're transporting another. Not sure what level of granularity will apply to 'gubins'.
    A friend of mine is very active in the classic bike scene. Him and a few mates would regularly put all their old bangers in a van and drive over, this would save all the individual per bike ferry tickets. This is going to fuck all that up for them!
  6. no . road legal vehicles with insurance can just get a green card . no need for a carnet
  7. any trailer will need to be euro homologated & with a green card too
  8. For the euro bloc, hopefully.
    Travelling further afield often has carnet possibilities for the vehicle you are driving/riding.
    A friend of mine did a solo ride up into and around russia 5 yrs ago and had a great deal of fun with carnets for both his bike and also
    his personal belongings of value. His blog accounts of being stuck overnight at various border crossings made for interesting reading.
    I would have run out of patience, turned around and gone home.
    Lets hope we dont end up at that end of the spectrum over time.
  9. I used to ride in trials and were an ACU member, I'm neither anymore but still on the ACU mailing list.

    ACU have worked out a deal for members, £240 + vat for a carnet.

    On another note,we used to use eurobiketrans to ship to Italy. That's now looking like that kind of thing is down the toilet. Eurobiketrans have now suspended all activities.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. You would have thought somewhere in this process the hotels, bars, restaurants, car hire firms and circuits might miss the thousands of euros we all want to splash doing our favourite pastime.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I’m sure I’ve seen emails recently from Tony Barker planning trips to Europe. In fact I’ve placed a deposit on one to Eire with him in June.
  12. I recently asked a TDO about a bike in trailer Euro track event I have a deposit down for in April. They replied, nothing has changed, just head to the port with your bike in the trailer.
    If I cannot get better information I will not attempt it.
  13. We're in discussions with him at the minute regarding an Italy jaunt in September.... Euro travel is suspended and not looking good.

    My advice is to keep in touch with him.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Thanks. Will do.
  15. Copied and pasted from the DOCGB Facebook page:

    Now I've got your attention; If you are thinking of transporting your bike to Europe in a van or with a bike transport company the current customs problems could hit you hard as it is expected that unaccompanied bikes could be a serious problem.
    So if anyone takes a mates bike down for them, then the owner needs to be in the van with it, If they fly out & meet up then there are expected to be customs agents costs (currently estimated at £450 round trip). Also the potential for customs delays which could mean missing a ferry booking.
    It is expected that all will be fine if the owner is with the bike and has the V5 & Green Card insurance. However, while I must be clear that everything is still untested due to the travel ban I have had this update from two reputable sources who have researched the potential issues. If you have any updates or authoritative information on this, please let me know as this is constantly changing & I'm sure the transport companies are working hard on this. All is subject to change (hopefully for the better) and common sense might prevail.

    EDIT - I have added the link to MotorsportUK kindly provided by Dave here for those who will be needing a carnet for transport.
    This includes costs for the carnet & estimates for the premium insurance

    As pointed out by Simon Tappin the ACU have set up a similar agreement:
  16. On a food for thought thing, Switzerland is neutral and (i think) shipping possible, Tony did mention Switzerland briefly in an email but it's not in our agenda..... Well, it weren't... Might be in the future though.

    Might be worth an enquiry for anybody interested.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. This is a transcript from my recent query to HMRC on this

    Ftron: 5:52PM
    Im am contacting you to clarify if we are now required to purchase an ATA Carnet for the temporary import or export of leisure and sporting equipment for private, non-commercial use

    I understand that the professional motorsport industry is now required to obtain ATA carnets when transporting vehicles for racing, but as the guidance is intended for commercial organisations it is not clear if this also a requirement for those of us who wish to transport our equipment to the EU for personal\leisure use

    Ftron: 5:53PM

    we are specifically interested in transporting sporting equipment such as ;
    motorcycles for private circuit/off- road use only
    jets skis & leisure boats.
    these could be transported in a van/truck or towed on a trailer.

    I am aware that road legal vehicles and trailers can utilse the EU "green card" insurance scheme, but its unclear if the green card indemnifies us from any duty/vat etc due on equipment that is carried on the trailer.
    Also, we have motorcycles that are only used on private circuits and are NOT registered for use on UK public roads, therefore green cards are not an option.

    Daniel : 5:55PM

    Are these being imported into the UK correct?

    Ftron: 5:55PM

    no, exported from uk temporarily

    Ftron: 5:56PM

    then brought back

    Daniel : 6:03PM
    Okay, let me have a look what would be best suited. I am just going to have a look at the latest guidance for you

    I am sorry for the delay on my part, I am currently checking our guidance. Please bear with me, I will be back with you as soon as possible.

    Daniel : 6:16PM

    Hi Ftron, I have just been looking, and it looks like ATA carnet would be best suited as these can be used for personal items also: I have attached the guidance for you to read here and how to apply https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for- an-ata-carnet

    Ftron: 6:17PM

    so this is the only way? its quite expensive for an occasional trip abroad

    Daniel : 6:19PM

    This currently would be the way to avoid and customs charges in other countries and when you re-import them back into the UK and will avoid any other paper work needed such as export declarations or import declarations.

    Daniel : 6:21PM

    You can use returns good relief also, however, we cannot confirm what you may pay if importing to another country to use your goods, however on return to the UK by using Returns good relief you should be able to qualify for relief on customs charges if the criteria is met. I have attached the link here for you to have a look at if you wish https://www.gov.uk/guidance/pay-less- import-duty-and-vat-when-re-importing- goods-to-the-uk-and-eu#what-you-can- claim-relief-on

    Ftron: 6:23PM
    ok thanks, i was hoping the carnet would not be required for non- commercial use, this will make these trips un-economic

    Daniel : 6:24PM

    I do understand that this is frustrating, there was a procedure called duplicate lists that was possible to use before the 31st of December, however, from our guidance this no longer applies currently.

    Daniel : 6:25PM

    I do have the contact details for ATA carnets, to discuss further information in depth if you wish?

    Ftron: 6:26PM

    thanks, they sent me to you!

    Ftron: 6:27PM

    i'm aware of the pain involved with applying for carnets from a previous job. this is why i was hoping they wouldnt be required

    Daniel : 6:27PM

    well, not sure what I can say there. However, the guidance which has been sent is the most up to date. You can contact the customs authorities in the countries you wish to travel to if you do not wish to use ATA carnet?

    Ftron: 6:28PM

    but if thats the only option its good to know

    Daniel : 6:29PM

    I understand, It not something you may not wish to do. I can only apologise. I did consult with a technician to check if duplicate lists were still applicable, but currently, that is under out of date guidance unfortunately.

    Ftron: 6:30PM

    if i choose not to have a carnet, in theory customs on both sides can apply vat and duty correct?

    Daniel : 6:32PM

    It depends on the goods and the value (from a UK perspective) unfortunately, I would not be able to comment on other customs authorities if a different country. However, this is what returns goods relief is for. so you can a reduced or pay not duty and VAT upon return of your goods in the UK as long as they were originally bought in the UK.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. So that's WDW knackered in the case of 3 people in a van carrying 4 bikes with the other person flying out to meet up then?
  19. For the fourth person, it would seem so. Andy
  20. you would need to get 1 carnet for all 4 bikes is all
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