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Ex Ducati Owner Passed On The Bug To The B'friend Who's Now Loitering On This Forum All The Time

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by MissPineapple, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. :Nailbiting:
  2. Cos she isn't married? Duh!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. I bet her name is Pina Applé :)
  4. there's a big B+B near me called pineapple house.
  5. I think you guys are getting excited over nothing much. As far as I remember there was no rust to talk of , maybe just a little surface discolouration that is showing up more on the pictures .
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Maybe - it looked bad on the picture though :Finger:

    Is this yours...

  7. Sorry, higher resolution... ;)

    Miss Pineapple.jpg
  8. Not mine but she can come home with us no problem.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Love the new Avtar! :Hilarious:
  10. Here's one for Miss Pineapple...

    is it her mate?


    Or you with blond hair :Wideyed:
  11. I've had her too :)
  12. And this one...?

  13. Bound to have :)
  14. Or was this more like you're dream ET?

    Eeerrgghhhhhh - stirring my porridge :Arghh:
  15. I am genuinely pissing myself laughing at that. WTF did you put into Google to find that? And have the Feds been round to arrest you yet? :D
  16. Perhaps @El Toro you should abuse your mod status and change Royals name to Mr Banana and change his avatar too
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. A few times yes, but still out and about ;) or I maybe mailing from Broadmoor...
  18. Haha, your picture collection is worse than mine!
  19. I get the feeling he will be changing it himself :Happy:
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