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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by camelfarmer, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. Tom, the only proof I see is a questionable taste in daysacks and footwear....

    And I'm a cat lover, dogs are soooooo dumb!
  2. Iwas wearing flip flops between training sessions at that time to allow my feet to dry out to help keep blisters to a minimum. I would have gone around barefoot but the missus wouldn't allow it, and that bag is my daughters favourite, however she doesn't like to carry it. S'all part of fatherhood innit.
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  3. Sounds interesting Char, got any pics?

  4. A while back I had a gf who had a really nice, er, cat. Every time my mum rang (without fail!) she would at some point manage to ask me: "so how is Nicki's lovely pussy?"...

    Bless her. :tongue:
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  5. My wife has a cat, which has killed just about every bird in the area, he has also killed a stoat (no mean feat). Cats don't give a fook. Dogs show affection and do things like fetch stuff.

    I have never suffered because of a dog, its a miracle i haven't crashed the car and been scarred by the cat.
  6. You have to plan your life around a dog. A cat you just have to feed and that's it. You can socialise when it suits you with a cat.
  7. Dogs have owners.

    Cats have staff.
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  8. Not quite, you can socialise with a cat when it suits it not you...

    A cat is something that lives in your house when it feels like it, a dog is part of the family. I couldn't be without a dog
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  9. I wish I was without a dog. I don't dislike dogs, I just don't want one and I'd much rather have a cat.

    I'm more than happy to have minimal contact with the cat and to just feed it. They're nice to have around, that's all I need.
  10. This isn't a cat or dog debate. I'd love a dog but don't have the time. No word of a lie, the cat will come get me from the car every day and will follow me around like a dog.
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  11. Yeah that's pretty cute . How big do they get before you eat them ?
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  12. DSC00773.JPG DSC01011.JPG My 2 .Pooze ( the ginger ) and Benne


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  13. [​IMG]hiding

    And this morning stealing the Alpen[​IMG]
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  14. How can anyone not like cats?? They're brilliant!

    Char, is your cat on charge there?
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  15. They make me wheeze and my eyes itch. How you can live with cat hair is beyond me.....it actually gives me goosebumps thinking about it!

    Still each to their own. Just because I don't get it doesn't make it wrong.

    (its SO wrong)
  16. I think it might be syncing
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  17. Dylan and Vienna - ragdolls and great fun!


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  18. Acceptable reason to own a cat....................

    cat batman.jpg

    cat batman.jpg
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  19. Is she bovvered?
    photo 1.jpg

    to all those haterz

    photo 2.jpg

    photo 1.jpg

    photo 2.jpg
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  20. Here's one of the rest of the crew[​IMG]
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