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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by camelfarmer, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. P1080751.jpg P1080777.jpg P1080753.jpg P1080814.jpg




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  2. How do you walk the owl?
  3. there you go, cat dug, owl, horses.
  4. the wife and her mates have a box with a breading pair all four survived.
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  5. I have a guard ferret...
  6. His ruff is very Main Coon but from that last picture it doesn't look like he has tufts of lynx like hair on his ear tips which are defining characteristics of a Main Coon. A very bonnie cat non the less.
  7. I hoped this thread might turn into a outpouring of donkey hate.

    My dads friend had a donkey when i was young, it hated me!

    I have been bitten, kicked and and stamped on more times than I can remember, once it even picked me up by my shoulder with it's teeth (not sure how else it would pick something up) and threw me about 6 feet before trying to kick me.

    To everyone else he was a loveable animal and apparently it was my fault because I must have done something (like being on the same planet)

    I Hate Donkeys!
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  8. P1040594.jpg for you boots, the wee one is about the size of our Alsatian. not much good for anything, i look forward to the day i can eat it.

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  9. Ohh identical to one I used to look after


    Plus the donkeeeee and the miniature horse
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  10. Wantz1 likes donkeys
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  11. cool. which ones wantz1?
  12. The cute fuzzy one
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  13. Is that you lying down alongside?
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  14. Nice ass...
  15. I preferred this thread when it was about cats.
  16. My now 21 year old son with our Main Coon girly[​IMG]
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  17. And the Abbasynian [​IMG]
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  18. I'm sweating just looking at that picture, I wouldn't hurt them but I wouldn't hang around either.

    funny thing is I am fine with horses, cows and other large animals just not donkeys.
  19. This is the one I meant in my earlier post just in case I get some overprotective father thinking I was on about his kid or cat!
  20. Oi that's my fella :wink: I quite often want to hurt him :eek:
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