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Exclusive Pics: New V4 Panigale Successor!! In-moto Magazine

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Topolino, Jun 23, 2017.

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  1. Maybe, but recent trend on any current Ducati out of warranty seems to be offload and buy again. Don't get me wrong, lots of owners hold on but equally there's plenty who don't trust the reliability out of warranty and that effects residuals.

    I suppose it's all about what buyers perceive as value, and I dare say there isn't that many UK buyers looking to shell out £20k on a base model of anything two wheeled.

    Yes there's owners of various R and S spec bikes on this forum, but if the price of basic entry to Ducatis superbike is pushed up to the £20k level (R1M territory) I just think it's got a lot to live up to.
  2. Box of frogs comes to mind - the lot of ya!
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. IATA. Plus, I'm an Airbus A330 Captain. It's simple maths, take the fuel burn, distance travelled and number of passengers on the flight and you end up with a figure. It's a pretty accurate one. With the latest generation of aircraft (i.e. Boeing B787) the efficiency is even higher.
    #443 flyer47, Sep 9, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2017
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  4. I think that's more to do with the nature of PCP deals than perception of reliability. My S has been rock solid reliable for the last three years but I will probably hand it back this month simply because its so easy to shift to a brand new model and new PCP deal rather than pay the £11000 lump sum. It will be interesting to see how the Panigales do at really high mileages compared to the older Ducati's. There's quite a few around on 20-30k miles and going fine.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. And that is the whole reason behind PCP schemes. Shifting new units and "creating brand loyalty".
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. interesting stats, but it depends how you project them.
    If your plane is full, and you burn say 1500 gallons an hour including take off on a 5 hour flight (plus return) thats 15000 gallons. Per passenger 50 gallon each. 50 gallon in my van at only 35mpg gets me 1750 miles, which is 3 months business travel for me. Not 1 holiday, for 1 individual. Planes are a hideous contributor to green house gasses, yet they choose to target the combustion engine with their performance robbing visual offences such as the 959 exhaust in the name of euro 4 and 5 bollox.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I'm not saying they are not but the original quote was they are a huge contributor to greenhouse gasses. Yes, they are but if used properly they are far more efficient than an average family car for the same amount of people carried. Modern jet engines are enormously efficient, plus most European airports restrict the use of the APU on the ground, demand Continuous Descent Approaches (where the pilots are not supposed to level off as in decent the engines are at or close to flight idle and therefore use the least amount of fuel). The B787 burns 2,000 kg of fuel less per hour than the A330 that I fly, it also cruises at a higher Mach no. It's much lighter, the cabin altitude is at 2,000ft not 6,500ft on the aircraft I fly. The A350 is a similar story. Yes, aircraft pollute but they've moved on a long way in recent years and operated efficiently cut down on greenhouse gases significantly. Each passenger driving a car over a similar distance would pollute even more.

    Plus, airlines now promote reduced engine taxi out, reduced engine taxi in, reduced flap landings. This is all to save fuel, which in turn, saves money.

    There's more to do but fuel is money and fuel is the greatest cost next to the purchase of an aircraft an airline has. The airline industry and the manufactures are trying their hardest to pollute as little as possible. Not because they want to but because pollution is waste and waste is money. It's nonsense to say "they chose to target the combustion engine" that statement is just silly. All fossil fuel burning engines are being targeted and rightly so. However, progress can only be made at the rate science allows. I'm not a spokesman for the airline industry but working in it, I can say we do everything we can to be as efficient as possible. So are the manufactures, efficient aircraft sell, simple.
    • Useful Useful x 2
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  8. So
    Sometimes, airlines also have a bit of fun. This is the airline I fly for...

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  9. The things to go after are ships if you're looking for the worst greenhouse gas emissions.

    But then there's also the fact that it's cheaper to make t shirts or motorcycle leathers in Vietnam than closer to home. Or the coal power plants. Or... you know what it's not worth my time...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Don't forget fields & fields of planet killers (cows).
    That reminds me, must pop into a Golden Arches restaurant for a burger
  11. Vegetarians and vegans fart a lot, I mean a LOT
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Most of their shit comes out of their mouths!
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  13. Fit cows with euro 5 tail pipes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Won't matter if we do. Like other actions we take, no udder country will.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 2
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  15. upload_2017-9-10_10-47-53.jpeg
  16. thats great, but you are missing the point, one plane flight spits out more shit than 300 cars running all year. Fact. Planes are mainly for pleasure cars are needed.
  17. Hey, I need planes.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. he killed himself because of the plane emissions. its true.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. i need bikes, im thinking sell 1199s and r9t and but 1199r hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :thinkingface:
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