Don't know where I've been but clearly missed that leak. Be interesting to see if the threatened dire retribution for disclosing information from the presentation to the dealers is metered out. Andy
Here you go Android. As far as the NDA goes, all I can say for the dealer concerned is......good luck with that!
No only prices were posted up. They quickly removed these posts from their social media account. Only other info was this:
Wishful thinking. 214 is the figure given but perhaps with an aftermarket system (Akrapovic) that the dealer will doubtless try to sell with the bike plus an upmap, who knows!
Wonder how they're measuring the bhp nowadays? Haven't ducati been a little 'artistic' with some recent figures for their bikes? (Can't remember which at the moment)
"The power/torque values indicated are measured using an engine dynamometer according to homologation regulation"
Or at least more-easily comparable to other manufacturers, they all seem to be finally adopting a standard for specs, ie HP measured at the crank and wet weight 90% fuelled.