I guess i just didn't want to go with something that looked too long. In my opinion the Termignoni full system looks too long but most pics of the Suono look about right but its very hard to tell. i was having a conversation yesterday about how loud some of these systems can be on the Multi so wondered what you thoughts were now you've ran it a couple of days? I actually like loud but if its too raspy they can get a bit annoying cant they
It's LOUD! But It's a Deep rib shaking loud, I'm quite happy with it, it reminds me or the 1198 with Temis on, love the deep deceleration note to.
That was the best thing ever when I had the Akra evo fitted to my RC8R, my god if you came bombing up to a corner and shut the throttle it just bellowed beautifully..... God I love that noise. If it's even half that good...which I suspect it will be by the description .....then I'd be a happy chappy
Yes I will do as soon as I can get the bike out of the drive, I'm having an exstension built and they have put a skip on the drive (a builders skip, not a Kawasaki )
£570 ish got it from here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160989101172?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 took 4 days to arrive. it says in the booklet that the exhaust was designed to run on a standard engine and shouldn't need re mapping, but it does recommend having it checked
Well I took the bike out in anger today for a proper run, IT WAS BRILLIANT! I don't know if it's the sound or it's actually made a difference to the top end power. I road up the coast of Cumbria and to be honest I felt like I was on a super moto, it's the most agile and responsive she's ever felt. I notice if I shut the throttle to almost closed while using the engine braking she was popping like a super bike, I have a feeling it may be slightly over fuelling. ButI I'll soon find out once I take her to get the ECU checked. If it was up to me I wouldn't adjust any thing but DMC have said they will only honour the warranty if I have the ECU checked / adjusted. It also says it in the manual you get with the exhaust And a few pics from my day out just for perspective
That is exactly what I wanted to hear If an exhaust doesn't make you feel like that it's not worth having, I'm buying one