I'm not on so I use SWMBO'd account for market place and seeing what others are having for tea. I've found some bits locally like a cheap abba stand and bought a couple of vehicles with varying degrees of hassle - selling stuff is a different matter (no I won't PX my car for a 20 year old chavvy wrapped golf and an x-box...)
I’ve never really got into it. I created one profile about 10 years ago when my girlfriend at the time was stuck in that Americky for 6 months and she insisted I get an FB page so we could better stay in touch and feel part of each other’s lives (which tbf, did work quite well). I abandoned that profile when we broke up though. I next created another in around 2013 when I wanted to use Tinder, simply because you couldn’t have a Tinder profile without an FB account. I haven’t looked in on it for years now though and tbh I probably don’t know the password anymore. I keep meaning to rejoin though, mainly because I keep hearing about all the motorbike groups on there and FB Marketplace. I just can’t make myself make the effort though and I worry that it’ll be even more of a time-thief than this place and instagram. As it is, I often find myself 50 minutes away from a deadline for work I haven’t completed yet, on instagram, wondering why I’m looking at some total random’s page showcasing their talents as a novice Mongolian nose flute player while another part of my brain works itself into a state of mild panic and dismay at what the rest of it is doing. I imagine activity on FB will only make that sort of thing even more likely.
I'm on it (somewhere) because I needed it for some Guzzi groups. But as things have ended up, I couldn't be bothered with it. I guess that I should of invested some time! But his group is miles better and easier - plus I haven't been kicked out yet!!!!
Seems that there is pressure to join groups/classifieds. Those who have a FOMO are usually the ones who succumb and join.
Unfortunately in my old age I'm more likely to dig my heels in and not do something that I'm pressured to do. Because to me the more pressure you're put under indicates the level of the reward the person doing the pressuring is going to receive by you doing it. Nasher