my belly is doing well thanks.... i think im feeding it the right stuff as its coming along nicely.....
You have to get someone else to sign up to FB, so the curse passes on to them. Oh wait, no. That's Ring. I'll message ya.
I just set up a new Facebook account using a Gmail address with no problem. Took about a minute including confirming the email addy. Not asked for mobile numbers
I don’t get why so many people have a problem with FB. Been on it for years, never been an issue. Lots of affiliate accounts now use FB or Google as a sign up but you can usually also do it with just an email address. Can’t remember how I signed up to the DOCGB but I do remember that it took a few days to be activated
Well apart from, IMO, the constant stream of drivel being fed into your timeline, there's: 1) Privacy and the way Facebook builds a comprehensive profile on you based on all of the data you feed into it, and all of the interactions you have with other 'users'. It is claimed that Facebook even maintains "shadow profiles" of people that do not have a FB account. 2) Targeted advertising and occasional malvertising, scams etc., based on the above profile information. Profile information sold on to third parties. 3) Curated content that potentially presents a biased view of the world around you, fake news et al. 4) The alleged data mining by Cambridge Analytica and how it may have been used to influence the outcome of the last US election and even the Brexit vote. The list goes on, but I'm getting bored. Search any of the above, but Google isn't your friend here as they are just as bad, and possible worse. You could try DuckDuck Go or Swisscows or Mojeek UK as alternative privacy friendly search engines
Yes I get all but like anything else, if you want the benefits, you accept the terms, if not don’t do it I guess. Unless you’re completely off the tech grid & you don’t own a mobile, you pay cash for everything & so on you’re being tracked & targeted in so many ways.
Well, like I say it’s a choice we make. Personally, I’ve not experienced problems using FB to sign in to other sites which was the original point to the post.
Facebook, forums and the like, only pick up on the information you give them. If you are one of the types that feels the need to post your entire life and career/education history online, then why be surprised when that info is gathered up ? My Facebook profile is private, but there is nothing in there (not even my real name) that is attributable to me or the companies I have worked for and still work for. No photo's of my home, not even the correct hometown. No record of my education or attainments. I avoid showing registration plates unless I am selling the machine/car. Some peeps are too naive for their own good. With two or three pieces of seeming innocuous info, I can trace you to wherever you live. I used to be able to do that from just a phone number (landline) and also know who else lives with you, either side of you etc, but that software became illegal and outdated about 10 years back. (work related info gathering) No-one is private, but you can take steps to make sure that its harder to find you by other members of the public. The governments always know all about you of course. That said, there is nothing to worry about unless you are doing something you shouldn't, accessing dark web sites best left unvisited without using VPN's or just posting life stories in the public arena ...
Do you interact with friends or colleagues on FB? Do they use their real names? Do you purchase items on-line? Nothing you do on-line can be truly anonymous. As you indicate, all you can do is make it harder for "people" to connect you with your on-line persona.
Exactly so, no-one can disappear, but there is making things easy and then there using a bit of caution in what you make available to everyone else. Facebook profiles are sometimes ridiculously easy for other FB users to access and read, let alone Facebook. Its perfectly safe to use as a platform though, just take care what info you make available. Messenger is the same. Yes I purchase online, I buy lots of stuff actually but not via Facebook. It does mean that some shops, Paypal, Ebay and Amazon have my details mind, but as said, no-one can exist in today's internet world and not have an online shadow. Embrace the online world, but just exercise caution on what you share and where you share it - that's all anyone has to do to stay safe.
Your friends may be sharing the info that you refuse to post. And the Ducati Forum features advertisements for commodities that are in some way related to the topics we discuss. Remember the "Muslim brides website" links we saw when someone started a thread about the latest terror attack?
Ah well, ya see - not that I am paranoid or anything but my computer is set up with pop up blockers that stop most advertisements. On here I have subscribed which stops adverts, but I wasn't seeing adverts even before I did My PC is set up to clear all my internet cache every time I log out of a browser. Depending where I am going or what I am doing (not porn sites lol, but sometimes iPTV) - I may use a VPN too. TOR is also useful. I also use cleaners periodically to pick up on any detritus left behind. Considering I do very little that could be construed as "dodgy" it's all a bit overkill really, but having worked in I.T. for a while now, I know how easy it can be to get info from someone's internet trail or computer cache.
Do you know what ad-blockers do to "block" the adverts? Still. You're taking every precaution, that's good. It's all you can do. It came to my notice as a line in a film but it is something that has stuck with me: "It's not that I have anything to hide ... it's just that I have nothing I want to share."