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family allowance

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Children are for fun, not paying tax or working...........Damn............wrong forum :eek:
  2. Hang on! Since when did not having children become selfish. Next you'll be saying that all only child's are spoilt brats.
  3. My boy is, its all the family allowance he's had over the years to feed his Armani habit
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  4. I believe the children are the future. Teach them well (Funky) and let them lead the way.
  5. I didn't know you could get an Armani habit, but somehow it seems to be a fitting uniform for Catholic monks
  6. dont see what all the fuss is about if it werny for the tax credit i wouldnt have 2 ducs.magic.
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  7. Watch out GCHQ is listening...
  8. Reckon Dave and Kope must have about 10... Pmsl
  9. I don't use the hospital - in fact I've never been to hospital - so can I be excused paying MY taxes for other people to go into hospital?
  10. Weren't you born in one?
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  11. I was born in a barn, well that's what my old nan used to say every time I left the door open. Old people are weird, maybe I won't pay my part of tax that goes to pensioners.
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  12. but it is there for your use should you need it................the same cant be said about other peoples kids.....can it?
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  13. It can if you're Jimmy Saville :eek:
  14. or give tax breaks to those that chose not to/cannot have kids perhaps? An incentive to keep the population down.
    if a points system were introduced for immigrants, then points could be deducted on a child by child basis, but offset against skills, qualifications, language, money and work experience (if any)?
  15. Loving some of the ideas. Make it so only the rich can afford offspring. Sterilise the lower classes at birth, because they wont be able to afford children no matter what, and is they become wealthy enough later they can have surgery ti reverse it. No feral kids. No youth crime. No unwanted kids clogging up the system and draining money. Sounds like a plan :upyeah:

  16. Sounds like China.
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  17. Who will be the future Jeremy Kyle participants if we did that?
    #37 deleteduser211220, Oct 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2013
  18. Firstly - I am mot "childless", I am "child-free"... Secondly - If not having children makes me "selfish" then yes, I am ( I'm crap at sharing my toys, I know that ). BUT I'm not as selfish as someone who wants to have kids, and expects me to pay for them...
  19. The difference is that my selfishness has no effect on other people - and I don't expect other people to pay for the things that I want in my life...
  20. M(clever)+F(clever)=Love. M(clever)+F(dumb)=Pregnant. M(dumb)+F(clever)=Married. M(dumb)+F(dumb)=Jeremy Kyle Show...
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